An extended question and answer session and parts of the film were later used as campaign ads. From houstons rice Hotel Senator john kennedy is about to address a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association to which he has been invited. During this telecast senator kennedy will participate in an informal question and answer period. The telecast of this meeting is sponsored by the Kennedy Johnson Texas Campaign committee, and is being seen throughout texas on a special 22station network. The audience you are seeing is composed of clergyman of the houston area who have been invited by the association. Reverend herbert mesa will introduce the democratic president ial candidate. The meeting is about to be called to order by the president , reverend george reck. May i call this special meeting of the association of ministers of greater houston to order . Let us stand for prayer. God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us that your way may be
Composed of clergymen of the houston area who have been invited by the association. The meeting is about to be called to order by the president , reverend george wreck. May i call this special meeting of the association of ministers of greater houston to order. Let us stand for prayer. God be merciful onto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us. God shall bless us and all of the ends of the earth shall praise him. With these words of the psalmist, we stand before the god as our only sovereign lord. Give us good, lord, and show us mercy. Let the grace rest upon our nation and do not take the gospel from us. Show us always the truth that makes and keeps men free. In the name of our lord jesus christ, we pray, amen. We are very happy that so many of you ministers are present at this meeting. The treasurer of our association has wondered to me if some of you would not like to pay your dues for this time. This year, which begins the september. Im sure he will be in the lobby af
Next, the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee examines caregiving provisions under the Va Mission Act signed into law on june 2018. Almost two and a half hours. Good morning, everyone. The committee will come to order. I welcome our witnesses appearing in person and those appearing distantly. We look forward to their testimony to get a better idea of where the department of Veterans Affairs are in administering the missions act. We are also interested in learning more about the caregivers implementation as well. Member of our participating. Be hearing isf todays the implementation of title i under the mission act by the department of Veterans Affairs relating to Veterans Community care programs and the program of comprehensive assistance to family caregivers. I scheduled this hearing because my dissatisfying dissatisfaction with the implementation of the mission. Department chose to decline the invitation. This committee and the be a share a common goal to pass the mission in 2018 to bett
Can you please call the roll . [ roll call ] clerk you have a quorum. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Approval of the minutes from the october 6 regular meeting. Can we open up the line for Public Comment on the minutes from the october 6 meeting. You have zero questions remaining. Well pause 20 seconds. If no one comes on the line, well move along. Clerk if members of the public wish to address the board on the meeting, please dial 10 to join the queue. And the number is available on the screen, should anyone want to join. You have zero questions remaining. Then well close Public Comment. Directors, are there any additions or amendments to the minutes . If not, may i hear a motion. Motion. Is there a second . A second. Please call the roll. [ roll call ] clerk 50. Item 5, communications. Due to the covid19 emergency, this meeting is being held virtually and all members of the public and staff are participating via video conference. This will
Association, to which he has been invited. Senator kennedy will participate in a formal questionandanswer period. The meeting is sponsored by the Kennedy Johnson Texas Campaign committee and is being seen throughout texas on a special 22station network. The audience you are seeing is composed of clergymen of the houston area who have been invited by the association. The meeting is about to be called to order by the president , reverend george rank. May i call this special meeting of the association of ministers of greater houston to order . Lets stand for prayer. God be merciful unto us and allow his face to shine upon us, that not a may be known upon earth by saving health among all nations. God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall praise him. With these words of the psalmists, we stand before the old god as our only sovereign lord. Us nine mercy. Let thy grace rest upon our nation and do not take thy light from us. Show us thine mercy. Show us always the truth that mak