An extended question and answer session and parts of the film were later used as campaign ads. From houstons rice Hotel Senator john kennedy is about to address a special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association to which he has been invited. During this telecast senator kennedy will participate in an informal question and answer period. The telecast of this meeting is sponsored by the Kennedy Johnson Texas Campaign committee, and is being seen throughout texas on a special 22station network. The audience you are seeing is composed of clergyman of the houston area who have been invited by the association. Reverend herbert mesa will introduce the democratic president ial candidate. The meeting is about to be called to order by the president , reverend george reck. May i call this special meeting of the association of ministers of greater houston to order . Let us stand for prayer. God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us that your way may be
September 12th 1960, democratic nominee john f. Kennedy on the topic of church and state, religious freedom and tolerance, spoke to a meeting of houston ministers. Look paid for by the Kennedy Johnson Texas Campaign committee, the broadcast includes an extended question and answer session and parts of the film were later used as campaign ads. From houstons weiss hotel, senator jon kennedy is about to address the special meeting of the Greater Houston Ministerial Association to which he has been invited. During this telecast, senator kennedy will participate in an informal question and answer period. The telecast of this meeting is sponsored by the Kennedy Johnson Texas Campaign committee, and as being seen throughout texas on a special 22 station network. The audience you are seeing is composed of clergymen of the houston area who have been invited by the association. Reverend herbert meza will introduce the democratic president ial candidate. The meeting is about to be called to order