Producer Vashu Bhagnani recently revealed how director David Dhawan and his crew patiently awaited Govinda s arrival on set for three days. When Govinda failed to appear, the producer took the initiative to reach out to the actor via phone. The actor finally arrived at the set in Switzerland, but was three days late.
Govinda claims that his family had previously been unable to afford rations. To keep themselves fed, they were forced to borrow from the store. He disclosed that the shopkeeper used to force him to stand for hours on end since they couldn't afford the ration. In an attempt to manage his finances, Govinda applied for numerous jobs but was unable to secure one due to his poor
Raveena Tandon opened up about facing groupism and politics in Bollywood. She revealed that she was replaced from films after she was signed on to star in them. | Bollywood
<b>Karisma Kapoor recently sizzled in her stunning printed monokini as she shared picture from her exotic beach vacation. See Hot Pics</b> - Karisma Kapoor Sizzles in Sexy Printed Monokini at Beach Holiday, See Hot Pics
As April 13 marks his 67th birth anniversary, let's take a look back at some of the most popular characters pulled off by Satish Kaushik, that will remain etched in our hearts forever