PM Modi today unfurled a traditional flag on the famous Mahakali temple in Gujarat's Panchmahal district, months after a dargah which stood atop the temple for nearly 500 years, was shifted with the consent of its caretakers.
The shikhara or spire of the temple was destroyed by Sultan Mahmud Begada nearly 500 years ago. It has been restored now as part of the redevelopment of the 11th century temple, situated on the Pavagadh hill.
Ahmedabad, Jun 18: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday visited the Mahakali temple in Gujarat’s Panchmahal district and unfurled a flag on its spire which has been rebuilt centuries after its destruction, while underlining that our “centresĀ of faith and spiritual glory” are being re-established now. During a visit to his home state where Assembly elections are due by year-end, he also met his mother who entered the 100th year of her life, and launched the BJP government’s two schemes […]