do you think the president wants to go over the fiscal cliff. it is a balanced approach and achieves the tax increases and revenue increases that the president wanted to see and imposes strict devastating cut. 10% across the board at the department of defense which many people have could be used to fund long-term entitlements. i don t think the president wants to go over the fiscal cliff but i do think he wants to break house republicans not just on this issue but on several issues down the road and essentially john boehner was right with bran b. we needed to pass that because we need leverage on president obama because president obama is not offering a balanced approach. he is talking about cutting spending but not talking about preserving medicare and social security which is 6 6 to 62 tof the federal budget. they need to use the debt ceiling limit to preserve medicare and social security. i think we will eventually reach an agreement here. but doug, i don t believe i don t thi
what happened with plan b but i think that speaker boehner has been the only one here really between the senate and white house that has shown true leadership. i think we will get a deal. if you think what the president offer od on entitlements is a way forward with respect to spending you are are kidding yourself. we need structural reform to social kurt and medicare and essentially we are kicking the can down the road. both of you will leave on this note i agree with everything you just said there and i do think that boehner was trying to show some leadership although he didn t have any support of the caucus. i don t think with all due respect boehner is putting out structural reform on either medicare or social security. he did not put forward the ryan plan on medicare because it didn t work well in the election. the republicans who have it is the christmas season and i believe in miracles. something is going to happen. santa claus will arrive. we are flat out of time.
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by the liberal media. can we show the unskewed version of that poll? even at 18%. i think the problem for mitt romney, it isn t women s issues, it s also medicare. more women than men are concerned about taking care of their parents, and i think just the overall gamut of issues sort of favor the president with women, and i ll tell what you, mitt romney could only overcome a gap like that with women if he had a comparable gap among seniors. i think when you combine the gender gap with now the shrinking age gap, problems for romney. okay. well, krystal, to joy s point, mr. romney is increasingly relied upon his wife to connect to women. take a listen. here she is. this is the mitt romney i know, and let me tell you about what a fantastic guy he is. i love you women. should you not be questioned about your finances? we have been very transparent
campaign s neck is that medicare plan which is turning off seniors in the droves. thanks for breaching our embargo, julian. ken, the new york times has a detailed look at the tax avoidance strategies employed via bain. here is a quote, while hardly a novel concept and not unique to bain, the inevitable result is that elite investors like mr. romney are able to increase their fortunes in ways unavoidable to most taxpayers. i have to ask you, ken, did it ever make political sense for mitt romney to promise a 20% tax cut across the board when he knows that people with incomes like his are the ones who will derive the greatest benefit? talk about being a self-serving politician. well, i don t know how much the self-serving calculation played on the basis of 20%, he s going to derive the vast amount of benefit. and that s the argument that democrats have been making more generally, which is that his tax