Russian propaganda Telegram channels have spread a fake claim that fighters of the Kraken special forces of Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence shot civilians in Kharkiv Oblast for refusing to answer a "nationalist greeting," Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation reported on Facebook on Feb. 21.
Russian channels are actively spreading claims that Russia intends to carry out an airborne landing near Kharkiv, according to a Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) post on Telegram on Jan. 16.
Explosions have been heard, and an air-raid warning has been issued in Russian-occupied Crimea, with the Russians claiming that they have put up a smokescreen in Sevastopol Bay. Source: Mikhail Razvozhayev, the Russian-installed "governor" of Sevastopol; Krym.
Explosions rang out in the Russian city of Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast, on the night of 9-10 August, after which a large-scale fire broke out. Source: Russian Telegram channel Astra; Russian Telegram channel VCHK OGPU; Russian propaganda media outlet RIA Novosti Details: Astra, with reference to eyewitnesses, reported that explosions rang out in Domodedovo, followed by a fire breaking out.