0 there s no incentive for them whatsoever to really include g regular fans because it s a business and happens only once a year. nothing more likely to get me in trouble this afternoon or this morning but i want to say this anyway. there is actual wage inequality within the context of the nfl. i just know from reading your pieces and others. you read in the comment section and folks are cry me a river for all the poor, professional football players. there is, in fact, a huge gap between the folks who are at the top and sort of the working joes who are at the bottom of this game. no, absolutely. we can start with raoger goodel who makes under $30 million a year as nfl commissioner. what is his head injury risk? although given his recent comments about the washington football s team name, i think he has had a few head injuries. let s be clear about something, super bowl is woodstock for the 1%. where they gather to celebrate their wealth and their excess. there s no site in the