Be specific, and just to be mindful of time, noting especially that our muni equity strategy is our last agenda item, and i would like us to give that item sufficient attention, and id like to get to that item at a reasonable hour. So thank you all in advance for your cooperation and support on moving efficiently through our agenda. Please call the roll. The roll director Heminger Heminger present director henderson here. Henderson. Present. Director henry. Here. Kinsey. Present. Director. So here. So present. Chair. Eken. Here. Eken. Present. Director. Tarloff is not expected today, but may join this later. After. Later this afternoon. We are expecting director shortly. For the record, i note that director hinchey is attending this meeting remotely. Director hinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting and in order to speak or vote on any items, places you on item number three. The ringing and use of cell phones and similar sound producing Electronic Device
Wonderful thanksgiving. Good evening. This is a meeting of the San Francisco commission on the environment. The date is tuesday, november 28, 2017, and the time is 5 01 p. M. Reminder that the ringing and use of cell phones, pager, and similar producing sound electronics are prohibited. Please bed a vie advised the chair may order the removal of anyone using a sound producing electronic device. Note there will be Public Comment on every item as well as an opportunity for general Public Comment for items that are not on the agenda. If you would like to speak, we ask that u yo fill out a speaker card and hand it to me and i will hand it to the president and they will have folk who is will be called in the order that they are received. You also have an opportunity to speak anonymously. So with that, well start item one and roll call. President bermejo. Here. Vice president wald. Here. A commissioner ahn. Here. A commissioner hoyos. Here. A commissioner stephenson. Here. Commission commiss
Card and hand it to me and i will hand it to the president and they will have folk who is will be called in the order that they are received. You also have an opportunity to speak anonymously. So with that, well start item one and roll call. President bermejo. Here. Vice president wald. Here. A commissioner ahn. Here. A commissioner hoyos. Here. A commissioner stephenson. Here. Commission commission wan is on her way. There is a quorum. The next item is item two, president s welcome. This item is for discussion. Good evening, everyone. And hope you all had a very nice thanksgiving. And welcome to the meeting of the San Francisco commission on the environment. I was not able to be at the last meeting, so i want to thank commissioner stephenson profusely for stepping in at the last moment and a calendar malfunction. And let me start by personally welcoming the newest mission of the commission, commissioner eddie ahn who has already been to a commission meeting, a Committee Meeting of the
Tax cut. The president promises a middle class miracle. Claims the wealthy wont pay less in taxes. And its not good for me. Believe me. Thats not true. The details we have show big benefits for the top 1 , including President Trump. A tax hike for some in the middle class. And trillions more in debt. Tough questions ahead for treasury secretary steven mnuchin. Well break down the politics. Smoke out the spin. The facts that matter this week. Good morning. Before this week, President Trump got some pretty high marks for how hes handled the devastating hurricane season. On the scene in houston after harvey. Florida after irma. Earning praise from local officials and a bit of a bounce in his approval ratings. Then came marias cataclysmic hit on puerto rico. A category 4 storm that destroyed so much of the island. For days, the president was silent. He played catchup much of this week. Saturday morning, this storm on twitter. The mayor of san juan who was very complimentary only a few days
The president promises a middle class miracle. Thats not true. The details we have show big benefits for the top 1 , including President Trump. A tax hike for some in the middle class. And trillions more in debt. Tough questions ahead for treasury secretary steven mnuchin. Well break down the politics. Smoke out the spin. The facts that matter this week. Good morning. Before this week, President Trump got some pretty high marks for how hes handled the devastating hurricane season. On the scene in houston after harvey. Florida after irma. Earning praise from local officials and a bit of a bounce in his approval ratings. Then came marias cataclysmic hit on puerto rico. A category 4 storm that destroyed so much of the island. For days, the president was silent. He played catchup much of this week. Saturday morning, this storm on twitter. The mayor of san juan who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the democrats you must be nasty to trump. Such poor leadership