Republican tax reform bill. On washington journal, your reaction to the bill, join the conversation with your phone calls, you males, tweets, and comments on our facebook page. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016]] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Isit ncicap. Org] host good morning, its tax day on capitol hill and the house is slated to vote on the republican plan from that chamber. And over on the senate side, it is they four for for Senate Finance committee as they continue to work on the republicans proposal in that chamber. If republicans can get their different plans out of their respective chambers, two sides have to come together and vote again. Well get into the differences between the two bills and give you the latest on the vote while getting your thoughts on the republicans push. Democrats, 2027488000, republicans, 2027488001, and independents, 2027488002. Also you can
Greg Kinal taught social studies at Pembroke High School for 52 years. He's also a history buff, and after his retirement in 2022, for another project, he compiled a history of the school district. He provided The Batavian with a timeline of the district's history to share with readers. The Pembroke Central School District- A Timeline CORFU In the 19th century, rural
[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] good morning. welcome to the republican majority in 118th congress. house republicans are hitting the ground running and we are laser focused on passing our commitment to america agenda, and much-needed critical oversight of the biden administration. yesterday we passed the most member driven and transparent rules package in history, and finally ended democrats authoritarian reign on our nation s capital. we restored and fully opened the people s house. our first order of the legislative business has been exactly what we promise to the american people. we promised on day one to repeal joe biden s army of 87,000 new irs agents, and yesterday we did just that. today we will counter the chinese communist party with our select committee on china. we will vote to protect every americans constitutional rights with a new select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. we will also vote to stop the biden admini