street and putting money away there. no, it s just personal responsibility and people take it upon themselves to put the money away because it s not going to be around. i don t think it s going to have any effect and raise the age we ll deal with it. really, that s it? that s the answer. all i got for you. 80. you can do it, washington woes, thanks to richard for joining us. thank you. a storm threatening bp oil cleanup efforts, but one storm and step in and rescue the gulf. and the run for the tax map and sail away from it. before you get mad. show you how to get even.
think? i happen in this case to side with on the immigration side with richard. but that s not the point. the point is the precedent here, that the government is setting and it s a dangerous one. i think they are, whether they can, you know, whether they re up front about it or by devious means, they are boycotting and put federal pressure, economic pressure on arizona and so, you know, eric started off, you know, this is the united states of america, our country was founded in that each of the states were an individual collection of states that made up the government. it s, as i said, it s a dangerous way of operating, when the federal government puts its muscle in subtle means or whatever means, upon a state like arizona, whether you agree or disagree with what arizona is doing. brenda: all right. last word there, guys. thanks so much. and thanks to richard for joining us. thank you. brenda: off shore drilling moratorium overturned. that could mean gas prices go down and one
employees. that s what kept you solvent. right, i ve been to the nba and i m bowing to the person that i had to wait in line for for four hours to do my license. it s a dollar in your pocket which you wouldn t have otherwise. right, yeah. government to the rescue. let me tell you something, think of how much money we saved. 500 million in lost productivity, great, but what we really saved was $72 billion. you know? remember this bill, this jobs bill was going to be voted on this week. there we go. let it snow. all right, thanks, guys and thanks to richard for joining us. we appreciate it. thank you. the d.o.t. putting out creative valentine s day cards. we got our own valentine s goodies that could give you sweet profits all yearlong.
equation is going to work, but it from harvard, not exactly a bastion of conservativism they ve found that exactly the policies that the right wants to do. cut down on governments, cut taxes and we ll help stimulate the economy and this, this administration s going exactly the wrong way and going to increase our deficit. richard, what do you think? well, a lesson from 1937 is that exactly what gathry is saying what brought us not out of a depression, but back into an even worse one so i think the lesson in the u.s., no, actually we have a hole, the private sector is not filling and spending is the answer. that said, if you want it look at some of the bills you ticked off. arms control, not a spending bill. stopping epa in its tracks from issuing greenhouse gas regulations, that s not a spending bill and that s what the companies want. look, the one thing that actually is spending is providing relief for 250,000 low income people that haley