Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to launch India's first water metro project during his visit to Kerala on April 25. The urban mass transit system will operate in Kochi using electric-hybrid boats, connecting ten islands spanning 75 km of the port city. The project costs a total of INR11.37bn ($154m), supported by Germany's KFW financing organization and the state government., India News, Times Now
The Indian government revealed the launch of the Vande Metro rail network which aims to connect major cities below 100 kilometres soon. Ashwini Vaishnaw, Union Railways Minister stated that Vande Metro will run trains four or five times a day with high frequency, and be ready by December. Check full details., India News, Times Now
The Indian government revealed the launch of the Vande Metro rail network which aims to connect major cities below 100 kilometres soon. Ashwini Vaishnaw, Union Railways Minister stated that Vande Metro will run trains four or five times a day with high frequency, and be ready by December. Check full details., India News, Times Now