sensation. welcome in the sky. the world is in such a difficult position. the lake used to go half a mile around the corner mad and go, go kill that thing. good evening. welcome to the whole story. i m anderson cooper. tonight we take you on a journey around the world to meet people fighting against something that can be seen or touched, but his threatening our planet and the way we live more than a trillion tons of carbon gas has been released into our seas and skies over time. it comes from a lot of different sources, but the biggest is burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation. but tonight, cnn s chief climate correspondent, bill weir, has found some reasons to hope some unique ways innovators are trying to capture contain and reduce carbon emissions. they are climate warriors, and they just may show us how to unscrew a planet. attention humans of earth got good news and bad news. good news is that the combined sweat and brilliance of the 117 billion or
mercy. bye bye. revoir. oh, my god. it s such an amazing sensation. welcome in the sky. this is so amazing. i love gardening, but not so much as a sports more as a philosophy. philosophy of life. when you fly in a balloon, you are pushed by the winds with the unknown. and your only way to steer the balloon. is to change your altitude to take another wind, another wind layer that has another direction. and in life. it s exactly what we have to do. i gotta say this is a blessed departure from life on the climate beat. hello earth lovers, your friend bill cnn. the hurricane. because our
Selon les estimations du ministère du Travail, 1,8 million de Français devront présenter un pass sanitaire valide pour travailler. Voici quels types de structures sont concernés.
Ce vendredi soir, Isabelle Cohart a demandé à une dame de sortir de son établissement, car elle importunait des clients. Une scène comme il en existe dans tous les cafés ! Hélas, la personne en question a attendu la tenancière à l’extérieur pour la pousser violemment et la faire tomber la tête la première. La malheureuse a dû être embarquée en ambulance.
Pfizer, Coronavac ou AstraZeneca, il a tout eu, ou presque. Un habitant de Rio de Janeiro va devoir expliquer aux autorités sanitaires comment il a pu recevoir cinq doses de vaccin contre le Covid-19 en dix semaines.