an installation informed by the stars and their distance to Earth is included in a number of projects by students at Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), which focus on the use of light.
Democracy4All, is an event of international reference in the tech-political sector organized by CBCat (Blockchain Center of Catalonia) of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory.
ground at any cost. reporter: but ukrainian forces in mariupol are making sure that erase iure is painful. this video shows the ukrainian azov battalion with forces throwing grenades at russian forces in the city. it s an act of resistance, but the outcome may be unchanged. already the human toll of this battle for mariupol has been appalling, with thousands, including many civilians, killed. but ukrainian officials say another russian offensive is now under way, posing another deadly threat to those trapped inside. we re joined by matthew chance. you see the kids living underground like that. can you talk about why taking for russians taking mariupol is so important? it s partly geographic, partly streak.
valencia. La segunda edición del plan Reviure del Consistorio para ofrecer alquileres asequibles se ha saldado con sólo seis viviendas disponibles, tres menos que en la
"Sense viure el món municipal, es pot estar molt desconnectat de la realitat" "Defensaré els micropobles perquè ocupen el 35% del territori de Catalunya"