And what was. Hannity now, the transcript of Hunter Bidens deposition has been released late last nighpositiont and we have been n extensively combing through it. Now, according to the Transcriptely Combg Thro Addresu the infamous im sitting here with mnt y father Whatsapp Message telling lawmakers he cant even rememberhats ap sending it bece he was either so drunk or high,o saying, quote, i was out of my mind. But the only thing that can saye for sure that he can remember t is that his was not there. No wow. T th how selective caern one be outtm of my mind. I dont remember even sendingit text. S im not even sure if its my text, but i know for sure my dad wasnt there. Okay. Now, just days after threateninthere. St days g that g message was sent, accordingmess to a 2020 senate report, well,2t accounts linked to hunter biden, guess what . Gu they received over 5 million h from the cfc. Thats why he sent the whatsaps message to from being out of his mind. You got to admit, id sabeisy p a
world. and welcome to hannity. an alarming new report from the house judiciary committee in 21. believe it or not, your federal government began asking banks to sift through private transactions from millionsamerin of and search for terms like trump and maga. which so which banks voluntarily handed over that information? and what did the doj do with it? now, the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordanhr ,will join us with more onwe this whole wesleyan and frankly, dangerous breach of personal privacy. needless to say, the 2024 election cannot happen soon enough. now, thankfullely, are just six days away from the new hampshire primary. x daysaway fronow, one importane many other primaries, the granite staty e allows independents and democrats who register as independentspend to participate in the republican racentsrticipate. over 4000 democrats, by the way, they re now independentmoc they re going to want to vote. it looks like thos, e voteits wl are being directed
justice department, to attack the professional men and women who are doing this work, now to attack the constitutionality of the special counsel, all in an ef to prepare for his challenge to either giving an interview, being deposed, testifying in some way, or when the report is done and mr. mueller and his team present to congress these findings, to have set the stage to attack those findings because he s described this investigation as illegitimate. this is a president who if he had nothing to hide and did nothing wrong, let the investigation bempleted.start fe infrastructure of our country, making college more affordable, driving down the cost of health care instead ofbsessing with this investigation. you have to wonder what is the president so afraid of. your fellow members of congre, republicansn th senate and the house who hopose protect the office of the special counsel, that would protect bob mueller. but then often it is crickets on tweets like this from the