justice department, to attack the professional men and women who are doing this work, now to attack the constitutionality of the special counsel, all in an ef to prepare for his challenge to either giving an interview, being deposed, testifying in some way, or when the report is done and mr. mueller and his team present to congress these findings, to have set the stage to attack those findings because he's described this investigation as illegitimate. this is a president who if he had nothing to hide and did nothing wrong, let the investigation bempleted.start fe infrastructure of our country, making college more affordable, driving down the cost of health care instead ofbsessing with this investigation. you have to wonder what is the president so afraid of. >> your fellow members of congre, republicansn th senate and the house who hopose protect the office of the special counsel, that would protect bob mueller. but then often it is crickets on tweets like this from the