Olivia Lancellotta is one of the hardest working actresses at RIC.A graduating senior who’s double majoring in theatre and communication, Lancellotta averaged a jaw-dropping 27 credits a semester and still managed to maintain a high enough GPA to earn her a Hope Scholarship and free tuition.On top of her classes, she was working two off-campus jobs, one on-campus job, attending rehearsals for RIC performances that could run until 10 or 11 p.m. at night and commuting to New York for auditions in professional theatre.
While construction is still underway at the former Oberon club space Arrow Street Arts isn’t scheduled to be fully open until the spring Moonbox is staging the Sondheim musical during a pause in the work.
The Disney musical, elevated by Taavon Gamble's bravura direction and whirling choreography, stars Kayla Shimizu as the young mermaid who dreams of exploring life on land.