Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Avak Films who are making their debut in Bollywood has announced the film Laal Rang 2. Actor Randeep Hooda returned his character sequel of the 2016 film Laal Rang. The Avak Film production house announced the second part of the movie through social media. Randeep will also be co-producing Laal Rang 2 along with Yogesh Rahar & Panchali Chakraverty. Randeep Hooda s character Shankar spread his charm and completely absorbed us into his blood transfusion racket where he plays both the devil and savior and owned the screen with his spontaneity and rustic appearance. Business News | Avak Films in Association with Randeep Hooda Films & Jelly Bean Entertainment Presents Laal Rang 2.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Disha Publication bagged two awards in two different categories in the recently held PVLF People s Choice Publisher Awards 2023 supported by the Federation of Indian Publishers (FIP) and powered by Nielsen Book Data. The awards are an initiative to acknowledge and appreciate the outstanding work done by publishers under different domains. The Federation of Indian Publishers (FIP) is India s largest representative body of publishers with its membership spanning the entire country. FIP is affiliated to the International Publishers Association, Geneva as the only representative body of Indian publishers, and bestows various Awards for Excellence in Book Production. Nielsen Book Data is internationally renowned for providing 100 per cent reliable results with their BookScan Data. Business News | Disha Publication Wins Two Awards Backed by Nielson Book Data at PVLF 2023.