A mini India is on the move in the streets of Ayodhya on Saturday, two days before the city hosts the consecration ceremony at the newly constructed Ram temple. Thousands of devotees from across the country are in the city to be a part of Ramotsav that is going on since January 14 in the run-up to the ceremony on Jan 22.
Ayodhya: Folk dances from ‘Badhawa’ to ‘Ghumar’, songs dedicated to Lord Ram playing on loudspeakers, streets decked up with flowers, lights and saffron flags and people dressed up.
UP tourism principal secretary Mukesh Meshram has his hands full these days. On the one hand is the long-term task of developing Ayodhya as a religious tourism hub, and on the other are tasks related to the Pran Pratishtha of the Ram idol on January 22 and beyond.
"Ram devotees and tourists will be offered helicopter services from Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Prayagraj, Mathura, and Agra. Plans are underway to expand this service to additional districts in the state shortly," it said. Ramotsav 2024: Yogi Adityanath-Led Uttar Pradesh Govt To Initiate Helicopter Services to Ayodhya Dham From Six Districts, Announces Fixed Fares.
In the last 9 years, the business of Khadi and village industry products has crossed the figure of Rs 1.34 lakh crore. - KVIC Launches Khadi Sanatan Vastra From Its Flagship Store In New Delhi s Connaught Place