If Lok Sabha and assembly elections are held simultaneously, the Election Commission will need around Rs 10,000 crore after every 15 years to buy new Electronic Voting Machines, the poll body said.The Election Commission of India (ECI) has .
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India News: The Election Commission estimates that Rs 10,000 crore would be required every 15 years for new Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) if simultaneous polls are conducted. The Commission highlighted the need for additional polling and security personnel, enhanced storage facilities for EVMs, and more vehicles. The first simultaneous elections can only be held in 2029, and constitutional amendments would be required.
The Mallikarjun Kharge-led Congress demanded that the idea of one nation, one election be abandoned and the high-powered panel formed to study it be dissolved. | Latest News India
“Stay away from the trend of sensationalizing news to garner more TRPs; preserve the values of journalism,” said Ram Nath Kovind. - IIMC 55th Convocation: Former President Kovind Urges Graduating Students To Fight Fake News, Misinformation