Called Charles Evans hughes was a governor of new york and a Supreme Court justice, all but won the election in 1916. In fact, when president Woodrow Wilson went to bed the night the Election Night, he thought he was beaten. If he had been elected, how American History goes in several Different Directions on suffrage for women, civil right, what does he do on Foreign Policy, does he really germany sort of baited us into war. Hughes would have avoided that. He is the one you could have wrote novels about. You have Charles Evans hughes who was on the Supreme Court, and then left the Supreme Court when he ran for president. And then went back on the Supreme Court. One of the finest minds on the court. A fellow justice called Charles Evans hughes the greatest in our great line of chief justices. Why hughes . Robert jackson provided part of the answer when he was attorney general. Jackson said that hughes, quote, looks like god and talks like god, end quote. Footage of Charles Evans hughes