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Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200414 160000

It was a classy can has now isn t 12107 that s an increase of 7 am We interrupt that now to take you straight to Downing Street and the Chancellor. Of England earlier today the government s independent fiscal watchdog the Office for Budget Responsibility the o.b.l. Published a report into the impact of coronavirus on the economy and public finances it is important to be clear that the o.b.l. Is numbers are not a forecast or a prediction they simply set out what one possible scenario might look like and it may not even be the most likely scenario but it s important that we are honest with people about what might be happening in our economy so before I turn to today s Health figures I want to spend a few minutes explaining what the o.b.l. Have said and let me thank them for their continued work there are 3 brief points I wanted to make 1st the o.b.s. Figures suggest that the scale of what we are facing will have serious implications for our economy here at home in common with other coun


Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 040000

I m going. To. Be. Out of. This. Coming this is coming. Don t like that track the 1st on my head now I do that circles and post Miller it s the best the b.c.f. Am right here on b.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Somerset Hello my name s Pat hots and my name is Ivan Jackson now for the 1st time in I don t know how long we re together in a studio rather than being in different parts of the world does it please you Mr Jackson need to know as it s nice to be together again. I m sure there s a song about that Jeffrey now on today s show we mark the beginning of l g b t History Month with 2 clips from shout out it s b.c. Fms magazine show made by m. For the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender plus communities now there s going to be one from a woman whose public community established to help plus Muslims and other the other discussion about a new production of rents from the Bristol music comedy club and. He still from our nature program shepherds wife fills us in on how to make our gardens


Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 200000

With their releases this side of Christmas but Starlight for instance yes a really creative artist is still writing but hibernating until February so you re writing it but not till February but it s still a it s still a busy period and no I don t there just not disagree with that just not putting stuff out exactly out there holding it back unlike the ones that we re going to play tonight yeah within the shooter now I ve got rapping violinist extraordinary Mike thanks so much for joining us Mike welcome to the sense here right what the fear is want to know. Your career was going pretty well at one point what happened basically out of the brink of she take a chance of. A complete state of this to be more like from playing send it. To my dentist on b.b.c. Introducing the West that is famous and is going to be on not pay this coming out this year not to repeat my death will be releasing $3.00 pages in 2020 include leading the 3 trees part one. Truck is going to be. Is going to leave it a


Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 100000

Some say our policies will be like the Charlie tell it because of the As always I m just all over the place but chilling comics thank you for getting in touch with us this morning going to do the gardening and thanks to the new portable radio won t have to be said here the programs Well that s good well enjoy your day Jill Dougherty back out. The event last night comedy very well so we ll find out more from Charlie soon thank you Robin for getting in touch Angela important has been. Making 24 cupcakes for grandson s pool party this afternoon all of it was 11 yesterday well happy birthday hope it s lovely and we ve also got. One here that is coming from Alan Puritan saying can you bigger powerplant Oh poster attach a Markov on the poster anywhere looked long and old for the post bulk of cover on it so I can only apologize bugs Pancho Puritan if you fancy it it s big it s good and it s all exciting So there we go that s it we re done Don t go anywhere Charlie . After the c. a Monday mor


Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 020000

choices have probably been dismounting way along appears to me like my friendship bridge is up and down and you want it s time to shut down because people see profit as a distro much as always got it cut down to size the tell a could be proud if it came out the kid a lot out as a try to go on like a professor like you to put yourself what you put in it you get out of course at least at the perfect scale you could work on to actually give you a name I know even the mystical elf in the field better 100 honestly that was your very tells couldn t keep up with the proceeds pay him that he can t pay for their a blood. That s probably. The toughest part. Trying. To ask. A child. Class. Tax. Cuts. Cuts right. Thank you. Ellis is the brakes and bass you already know listening should I pay you to stand live right now to get yourself. A d. For the last hour or maybe best of luck in the studio with a big grin on my face the because we back the thank you but the scene in the sea has been super b


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