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I'm going. To. Be. Out of. This. Coming this is coming. Don't like that track the 1st on my head now I do that circles and post Miller it's the best the b.c.f. Am right here on b.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Somerset Hello my name's Pat hots and my name is Ivan Jackson now for the 1st time in I don't know how long we're together in a studio rather than being in different parts of the world does it please you Mr Jackson need to know as it's nice to be together again. I'm sure there's a song about that Jeffrey now on today's show we mark the beginning of l g b t History Month with 2 clips from shout out it's b.c. Fms magazine show made by m. For the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender plus communities now there's going to be one from a woman whose public community established to help plus Muslims and other the other discussion about a new production of rents from the Bristol music comedy club and. He still from our nature program shepherds wife fills us in on how to make our gardens insect friendly in readiness for the spring and summer and Sandra Golden from our sister station a gym right here popped in to tell me what my breakfast team about the Super 6 a collective of voluntary and social enterprise community organizations in Bristol who are hosting an event in the hope of inspiring other members of the community to think about volunteering plus the Friday breakfast team up the beginning of Chinese New Year with celebrity chef Larkin in the studio. . Called income. And I knew that it was cold. Cold. Cold. Susan. Bolton a. Good. Mom. Says. Now I. Make a mistake. In Colorado. But you come. To me. And It's. For us. Craig David to have a new home along with Sting rise and fall now on our 1st clip today it marks the history month and it's coming from Shantelle b.c. F.m. Show made by and 40 plus community many l g b t people often find themselves isolated from their friends and family when they come out as a result of cultural or religious clashes now and there is a national organization that supports l g b t plus Muslims and stuff Ebonics spoke to one of its members about her experience coming out she started by asking for Ina how translates into English the meaning of you guys means guidance comes from the Arabic and a lot of it is about guiding our members guiding l g b t f Muslims and so we use that word to be. To mean you know guiding people personalty here. Can you just tell us a little bit by during the experience I 1st came out to. Friends at the age of 16 and. And that all went really well and the family why I came out to my mom when I was 21 that wasn't a very good experience. Did a lot of moms do brushed under the carpet and went into I guess denial my aunt. For a very long time and then my very last on Probably my wost coming out experience was with my dogs back in October 28th where he then decided that he basically didn't want me to be farming anymore can you can you tell us what that means to you . Means to mean finding a chosen family that I can finally be myself with my. Brothers and Sisters. Don't judge me you are going to have conversations with about my sexuality about Islam about you know all the things in between that you would talk to a siblings about. It's about finally being with people who. Although we don't share blood we share so much more. To have meaningful relationships with your colleagues and family members there. Absolutely I actually regard them all as brothers and sisters and family members as one of the committee members I jokingly call Hala which means on t.v. . And it is you know an ongoing kind of a. Day absolutely every one of them very important to me does it give you a warm family feeling to start will everybody is yeah I think for me especially because I have no contact with my family now what they represent is my family so having lost a family I've now gained one with him can you tell me through. Changed your opinion of your face 100 percent I grew up in a Muslim household with religion being forced down my throat and being in a situation where I couldn't question them and every time I did question I was told to shut up and just get on with that and so I lost my faith for a very long time and I didn't really forgot myself as a Muslim is not being until I joined the diet I was able to hold both identities to get out now started exploring religion in a much deeper way I've always had faith and I've always believed in God now I'm actually really searching I'm looking for. And feeling like I belong to the faith to start conflict with roots the Qur'an. I don't believe in. The Koran in its purest form is grand in our back I mean if you translate that into English depending on who translate set on how they translate it can mean so many different things and he died a website and we've actually got. Transcripts and sections from the Koran where we've given you know the true Arabic translation to which we really helpful for people who might be searching for answers but what does their religion say about homosexuality and how does a story all. Transcribe with regards to him sexuality us and so I would definitely recommend people to go to all that site and have a look at the resources we will do some future looking for you know. The features from a next very much. I'm very much. A Muslim in my own right I'm carrying bank events identities together we. Expanding when he died. On a daily basis we are extremely extremely happy to members joining us C on a daily basis and we hope to reach as many muslims out there as for possibly can. People want to get in touch and actually you've inspired people which hopefully they are Muslim. And would like to get in touch or maybe join can tell you. They can do that. Every single one of all the links is on our Web site I would probably say our Web site is a best resource to go on to. Our website address. U.k. . And contact us. You can subscribe to our new select tell you can have a. Monthly events our top 10 all across the u.k. . And you can volunteer for us as well say please go on there and how about. That. Let me Histon I want to dance with somebody I've been I was thinking. You know you know that's dangerous but he started you know I never I already was thinking all right when we played Craig David in sting Yeah rise and fall I was singing in the. That we could do a song we could be like. A duet. Because we're at the b.b.c. We go to the b.b.c. To play we say to the bosses hey you know here's. Let me think about that for a minute no no and listen we could get Adam Crowther on being b.b.c. Upload and we wouldn't know we could download it to upload here we can change our names we could call it ion pay. Or pay and I. Why I'll go 1st p. And I you know what song would we say or think about it maybe will decide that before the end of the show maybe I'll give a little rendition as well as move on Jenny Steele is my favorite and also one of the regular contributors on Shepherd's way b.c. Fms weekly look at the natural world around us and the wildlife that thrive in it you can catch the show in its entirety every Wednesday at 7 pm indeed this week with the prospect of losing more and more insects due to climate change and ever decreasing countryside habitats Jenny looked at ways to encourage pollinators into the garden by planning and nectar border boarders designed to provide nectar and pollen for invertebrates brim over with colorful flowers and harm with insects in the summer which is exactly how our garden should be a border where lots of insect friendly plants are all jumbled together is a perfect addition to any garden and you don't need a huge area to make a colorful impact and help pollinators organize gardeners often plan changes to their borders in spring and summer but carry out those improvements during winter and early spring when plants can easily be moved a new pot grown variety is planted. But how many of us really are that organized or can wait that long to make our gardens better wildlife habitats planting can actually be done at any time but it is important to make sure your new plants authority watered every day until they are stopped simply watering after planting will not be enough plant nursery Singleton centers now have a wide variety of nectar and pollen producing plants plus there are lists of good plants for invertebrates everywhere but not all information is accurate it is better when you're out and about visiting gardens garden centers or plant nurseries to make sure you have a notebook with you and jot down the names of anything that seems to be buzzing with life whether you're starting an active border from scratch or adding to an existing area planted small groups of 3 or 5 of the same plant if you can a mass of one color is more likely to attract bumble bees and butterflies than individual plants started here and there choose plants that flirt different times spreading nectar and pollen production over a long time period will benefit a wider range of invertebrates late summer flowers are especially important for insects building up energy reserves to get them through hibernation in the winter and don't worry about planting everything tall at the back borders can look more interesting with Heights a bit jumbled up to make good use of space some plants have both nectar and pollen including the been a binary and sis Ecan a seer and economic. Herb's such as time kept Mint Burridge and Marge room will cater for many species of butterflies and be well lavender has seeds for birds to. To maybe not. To create the path think. We've. That was the. Driver I had that one for a while used to be played didn't played and played now maybe we could cover that song. Maybe his affair. You have to wear the dog reserve where we're in a bit but still to come on the best of. B.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Some of the Super 61 of breakfast and a taste of China with fast when celebrity chef a lot of the girls that's what key facts are all right in a walk you know well all right well he asked when celebrity chef Larkin Sen joined the Friday freckle team so at the beginning of Chinese New Year before that I mean my element now because it's time to get all theatrical Yes Yes In the 2nd of our clips from shout out today Bristol music comedy club popped into the studio to tell the team about their latest production of. The show began by asking director of jeans and choreographer Charlie Elon what the show is all about when is actually based on which is very much very much like Mr Graham was based on Madame Butterfly . Was the inspiration for the or the big Bohemians was the inspiration for for rent but obviously the period was up to date and it was set in the ninety's which is sort of just after the core aftermath of aids and it's about the fallout not not not just from the sexual side of aids but from the drugs side of aids and everybody trying to cope with it afterwards so it was very very pertinent at the time a very very sort of revolutionary if you like so I didn't really feel it and you know none of them are honest but he didn't see it he didn't see it he was writing it for years and years and he had a undiagnosed heart condition and on the dress run it was the dress one was performed and he had a went to a party afterwards and and had a heart or chest problem and the preview was supposed to happen the next night which he did but he never made it because he did. Have an aneurism a heart and you know as I'm saying you know the course is going on for those the music was one of the iconic ones the kind of reshapes of a. Things you can do with me Sickles didn't it it did they the history of music who have always been interrupted by pivotal show completely revolutionized the musical by adding a story Oklahoma revolutionized the musical by adding a story through choreography some time obviously state today's issues into the musical and by the time we got to have and then rent we started to use what music in the musical form which hadn't been used before obviously now with Hamilton and lots of things that that's commonplace but back then it never been done so rent was revolutionary to set the scene set the scene for us how how does how does it start the story on and rent and how it then progressed I don't want you to give away the ending but it be nice to say no to be fair I mean slightly different from the opera lovers out there well we all know the story already it's about a group of Bohemians obviously in this iteration it's rock musicians it's performance artist and so on and they live in a down and out part of New York and it's very good because it covers all types of personal types of gender all types of sexuality so it was very ahead of its time for covering those issues yet you have everything you know I don't know but you know what the old interaction was when it 1st came as a musical I mean what was it was it taken with that kind of a wow that's quite Absolutely. And that's why it won say many awards I mean it won 8 Tonys Drama Desk Awards and it won the Pulitzer Prize which is very very unusual I think I could be wrong but I think how much in just one the put the Pulitzer Prize which is the latest musical to have changed history and yeah yeah so tell us a bit about the group is performing it on a because of the peony. Yes this v.m.c. a Little musical comedy club and they're brilliant the cost is incredible really really strong very lucky yeah very strong we all see we're only auditions and you felt like you could have passed it many times but they're really accomplished great singers great dance practice say it's going to be something to behold I think love even use the Redgrave Isn't it was you know. If you used to the big ones like the lies a lot smaller a little more it was a lot more intimate isn't it. Proved challenging so depending on how we can fit one of to before both Charlie and I have been doing shows for years and years and we've done the most of our career in and out of the Red great theater so it's not too much of a pressure person because we know everything about it and sometimes you know an intimate theater is really nice for something that is a story a story like this there are both very sore small and dark details you know sometimes big stories are great for board theaters but to get more intimate and to touch the audience sometimes a smaller theater is really really useful he just didn't want to us she started running we started with singing just because the whole like he said the whole show was singing so i'm day it's incredible he's been doing loads of singing with them I think he's been surprised at how quickly they picked it up they're really talented bunch and now we've got the lyrics and the music we're just trying to add some movement and setting and it's looking really great what kind of early days but it's going very quickly as well sorry well. We've got you come back close the Times is right you'll It is. Tonight that may actually if you come in the evening now it's a little bit cheaper as well but yeah but now cars are starting to sell We've already sold for a few so you go to the red graphic website and tickets are available on the website you can also see what's the you want to sit in there which is really sort. Of this still b.c.f. Thing on b.b.c. Radio. Breast and b.b.c. Some say. So don't rock the boat Ivan that far is there on the best to b.c. F.m. Did you get the message you are because I'm a fellow to Chad I mean yeah I was saying you know I said Well Ok and you tell me it's not work it's walkie talkie so I'm hopin that I can tell you off cold then they haven't. Done anything yet so could you just deliberately make a mistake in Saturday's allow me to tell you off let's move on. Sandra Golden is no stranger to the wonder of breakfast show as well as one of the co-founders of the rise award she's also a broadcaster on Jima radio yes she's got I think is in a lot of parties now this week Sandra came in to talk to Pat and the team in the middle of breakfast about the Super 6 and a volunteer event they have planned began by asking who the Super 6 l 6 Bristol's black organizations we've got together and Microsoft can imagine that groups coming together that we realize how much we have in common and sometimes you know not so much that we're where fighting against each other but didn't definitely is something we'd be fighting to get that conversation and let's yeah let's not kind of like you know let's mention the elephant in the room is that sometimes and especially. The predominantly for run by people from Bain communities you have almost forced to say listen there's a few ground you up fight for it so I think one of the key things there for us coming together is just realize that actually we've got a lot in common and maybe if we started working more together we can kind of 13 the pool our resources and also we've all got different skills within each the groups help each other towards sustainability because that's really what all of the 6 groups need right. Here we were only talking yesterday so Felix wrote of edge of playground up our street an Eastern community center have merged when when you think about it and people panicking on it what's going to happen I want to keep their name but the thing is that they've moved because of sustainability because time and time again one organization might be in problems because of finances and they cannot afford to run them there is somebody that runs out in isolation that's got expertise it could help that organization and all of a sudden when you combine your expertise as well and you cooperate and you say do you guys want to come to this and whatever things become a little bit easier that definitely and I think that's what we found we know many of them for what that's less than last available in organizations we don't want to just rely on funded by the white guy sure we have to look at different ways that we can. Rise they should or otherwise we're going to find especially Baby led organizations start to. Disappear Ok and that's definite what could happen so we've come together we can start to create in some great relationships so we put together this is office the van that would do in is that what seeps x. I love a lot of it so talk about. The 6 organizations who are so we've got huge amount yet we've got black cameras pressed about cameras you've got the market next we've got staples carnival Bristol Somali for. The Mali. Pretty So we're going to isolation is the need for individual reasons kind of support you're involved with to kind of probably move into but you know you're part of the governance of 2 of the organizations Malcolm x. Center I did you Meridia I love unity and I think Unity It's a beautiful thing it's a case of getting because we're here in the city but we're not doing things together. And I agree with you on the unit say that ask. Week so I want a sudden we're on the same agenda in the ring and we'll try to support each other in the ring to helping each other so there isn't my oh there's a pot of money and we'll try to fight for it there was none of that there's such a wow you've got the same problems that right you know within my organization how do you know I've done this this can help Pete given each other advice so it's time to kind of not pull How do we get over that fear because you know anyone listening and we know so yourself and pram. You dream Arabia for example so when a pastor Jima b.c.f. Air you know fight in you know fight him down the alley way and Roger and it wasn't just as it was other organizations too and sometimes it was over advertising or funding or evolution is so of course many of those many of those disputes are based on fear and ignorance. Could be talking about racism and also a phobia about but fear and ignorance so how do we get over that fear when when you approach these groups and I'm sure you know each group will have workers then some will have board members not everyone will want to be together some might want to leave and go I don't think it's a good idea they'll take out money and whatever how do you get out those problems you know I think I have doing something for instance of what we've done come in really yet been very open and honest because it's about built in trust and absolute 1st stage about built in trust is just getting everyone together you know because sometimes we see each other we cross we cross Paul's embarrass different throughout the city but we do actually spend time together talking about what some of the challenges are talking about what some of the opportunities are create trying to do that so this is what this is that's really what the whole program is really for us and it's about moving forward and we hope that could be the Super 12 or 18 or a number that may be so we kind of build and build it because it be great to have a massive organization. They embraced all that we pool our resources and that includes expertise to create a lot more sustainability in our longer term organizations because like I said we all kind of do interact with the same way we want to support. Communities within Bristol so people listening now that have some affinity or interest in all of the organizations that we've mentioned. For the general public can come and and learn more to tell us what their experience when they were a bit write bass if everything's run on volunteers you know all these organizations would an excess in that you know less we didn't have a parts stop this fall into a pace so we're always looking for volunteers and I think some people know a little bit about these organizations so it's not you just to come along speak to each of these 6 groups find out what they do and find out what opportunities we happened within each of those community groups in terms you can get involved so something like St Paul's carnival people thing is a one day event it isn't you know it's 12 months hard work. To get involved so I think it's just kind of open it up to the community and say look we're here come and talk to us come and volunteer with us. G. S. G. I love those long fade outs musical You Pass the Dutchie now I think I've come up with a short list very quickly one of songs that we could cover so it could be Elton John Allen's on Kiki the yeah you're breaking my heart you suggested Sonny and Cher Yes I got you baby guess what I've gone for Donny and Marie Paper Roses Oh hey there's a new you do the harmony and we wear those orange jumpsuits I've been told to do have a look at Cher though you know fall just need a bit longer hair that's going to be Donny and Marie Ok now with the outbreak of the coronavirus in China new lunar new year celebrations may have been a little muted over there but here in Bristol most went ahead as planned yes Larkin send is the celebrity chef behind walkie fest to the annual Chinese New Year festival at Wapping wharf and Tobias John interviewed him on the Friday breakfast show he started by asking Larkin how he got into cooking and about his experience on Master Chef 7 years ago and how I taught him to cook is a bit of a long story here so there's a lot I was a lawyer before so my passion was kind of like cooking Ok I can like I really want to the submarine restaurants and stuff like that my parents didn't really want me to do I was in the group and take what you see so you always like kept me away from it but I was always quite fascinated by cooking and supply than his is in the family so at the. End of that I was at my desk one day and I thought right I'm definitely going to quit my job this year and I didn't really watch Mascia before where everyone knows of it as a brand you know yeah so I decided to put an application in and that I'm going Vita to a casting day cookoff and stuff like that and then about 3 months later they call me and say Ah gee fancy coming on the show. And I was and then I had to take up 4 month sabbatical from work basically I told Tom across about it and feel like you're Can you cook because I think. They're like Ok fair enough I think they all thought he'd be back so yeah from what I won weeks of article and being too weak and they kept going on that I kept having called back to work as I am or I'm still in. And I was like 4 months off work to do it so most been quite quite daunting then in some respect I mean it takes quite a big thing to follow your passion and put aside I guess what you know is a guaranteed form of of income in some respects to put that aside follow your passion and take a risk in some respects and Holmes quit uni my 2nd year to do it so for me psychologically I was already out of it so if for me it wasn't that hard doing it I think the real test was actually after the show with me actually because for the 1st year in my business my 1st business actually I set up with a another finalist on the show right didn't work out you know we just weren't experienced enough but I can't live and that living off credit cards for basically year Ok a mass huge debts the company went under and it was huge personal guarantee against my name but it took me but then luckily I had secured a contract with the Celtic Manor which is terrorism and then it got me out of a bit of a hole that's over just near Newport and I made of and I think it was you know they gave me a restaurant in my own name so that got me out of the hole. So I was able to repay a lot of debts and have a little bit to set up walk eco Yeah and walking more because like it was a bit of a riffraff sort of operation that started it was me in 2 of the chefs because that's all I could afford. And like I fit out based on no money like our basic put it together which many fell apart with. Luckily we were able to repay all of that within 6 months and then from then it just kept flying and you know now no we do really well like our turnover is like over a 1000000. And also you know we've got team of 40 employees north which is which makes me really proud you know but it's all down to them so now you've got a master chef is quite far behind you 2013 we're now in 2020 and from from that point now until where you are now with the restaurants you've got and the kind of success that you are experiencing Do you kind of put that down to that one key moment when you went on board to Master Chef and that everything that kind of changed from that point onwards. Open up blood Yeah definitely you know it definitely would have secured the Celtic man a contract but I guess it was premeditated I knew he was I had nothing to lose basically so I knew if I got far enough. I could really visualize again far as well like I remember saying to my dad it's just like I think I'll get to the final by will win because I hardly ever cook Yeah because every practice I don't think I practice enough to win it and that's exactly what happened but I guess the real learning happens afterwards most of the mosfet find this have really should we say this. Really kind of thing. It's like it but you know I compared to where I was 6 years ago because I fully dedicated to this trade you know doing about a 100 hour weeks or just constantly learning about food elevating it. I think is that dedication that. She keeps pushing you on so actually the real learning happens afterwards for those that don't know what the 1st is happening a whopping war. Will feature Chinese New Year celebrations and I'll let the man himself tell more about it so this is not the 1st time this is happened is that how many. This would be the 3rd 3rd So the 1st year. When we 1st set up in the converted shipping container restaurant we did ask on line dance and we branded it as Walky fest because we wanted to get people really involved in it because I walked in was a definite community help and actually we want to get people involved families and stuff about getting introduced to sort of Chinese culture the 2nd year was better than that and we had a bit more budget the spend and and actually this 3rd year we've really gone for the on that we've got a much bigger team I'm sorting out I'm bringing a lot of entertainment throughout the day for it also it looks fantastic the type of when you've got. Conferee performances put making workshops loads of things that the Chinese law and dance troupe will be putting on a. Traditional Arbor for dance performance as well so it's really full on is an open war that area is so kind of unique in the way they looks and the way this set is well it seems almost as if it's the kind of the perfect match for you in some ways are massively and I think everyone there because it's such a strong community how to know all the trade is really involved as well so you know we had a meeting to see what we could do with each other to make it really for events and I think a lot of them putting on special Chinese New Year men used the event and that's great. Going off I'm already I've been wise that explained how I taught him to cook Chinese food lucky number I'm not impressed I think about telling you think Yes Ok . Definitely. Stand by on this show next week we'll be debuting a brand new single p. And I missed the name of the band and it's going to be Paper Roses a cover of the Donny and Marie classic and percussive walks as well yes there we could but Larkin's not invited numbers don't come in unless he comes clean about how he learned to cook. For the best to be c.f.m. I hope you enjoyed our little golden nuggets one Ok move to yet do get in touch with social media if you want to be c.f.m. Radio or just broken the desk. With the cards. Right and. Try. And make. Sure. That. You're. Getting. They're. Just. Going to. Say. C.b.c. Sounds like a good place to. And welcome along to the most of them to show for another Saturday morning pinch of the punch for the 1st of the month that is.

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