For minutes you know. Her. Voice has power and beauty combined. Have a heart. Its in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly heres one for the ages of ten or fourteen starts december twenty second on t. W. Hello and welcome to quadriga germanys Conservative Party has a new leader and a great crumb Current Power she takes over the reins from chancellor Angela Merkel who was clearly rooting for her to win the contest for the Party Leadership formerly state premier of this island a k k a shes often called edged out a strong contender conservative corporate lawyer freebies from outs but despite being uncle americas favorite she faces the tough task of uniting
a divided party and heightening her own political profile to many voters shes an unknown quantity and important european and state elections are in the offing does an agreed crumb qanbar have what it will take not only to do that but also to succeed her mentor Uncle Americal as chancellor thats the question we pose on this weeks fr
Time for an upgrade. How about on a chair that grows on you buy. A house with no roof. Or design highlights you can make yourself. Tips and tricks that will turn your home to a special. Upgrade yourself with g w interior design channel on your terms. Hello and welcome to quadriga germanys Conservative Party has a new leader and a great crime Current Power she takes over the reins from chancellor Angela Merkel who was clearly rooting for her to win the contest for the Party Leadership formerly state premier of this ana and a k k as shes often called edged out
a strong contender conservative corporate lawyer free press maps but despite being on gloom ackles favorite she faces the tough task of uniting a divided party and heightening her own political profile to many voters shes an unknown quantity and important european and state elections are in the offing does and a great crime qanbar have what it will take not only to do that but also to succeed her mentor Angle America as chancellor
see how the fact in substance and the political leader of the city who could. bring them back into the boat deck scully you recently described in an article on the good kind of condo as a quote risk taker and deal maker are we then looking at a real change in leadership style compared to to chancellor merkel and if so where would you see those characteristics coming into play i think them they think i m going to america she spoke when she was a child as a girl in school she would spend the entire swimming lesson standing on the edge of the diving board and literally at the last moment to finally dive into it she screw up her courage and jump in and she did exactly the same thing by giving up the c.d.u. leadership she waited for the last possible moment you do with dignity and she did a loop in the air and into the water and got a ten minute standing ovation that s a risk taking but it was at the very last moment that s one kind of risk taking i think i need to come calm always said we
see how the fact in substance and the political leader of the city who could. bring them back into the boat decks go you recently described in an article that kind of counted out as a quote risk taker and deal maker are we then looking at a real change in leadership style compared to two chancellor merkel and if so where would you see those characteristics coming into play i think them fascinating but i m glad marcus she spoke when she was a child as a girl in school she would spend the entire swimming lesson standing on the edge of the diving board and literally at the last moment to finally dive into it she d screw up her courage and jump in and she did exactly the same thing by giving up the c.d.u. leadership she waited for the last possible moment you do with dignity and she did a loop in the air and into the water and got a ten minute standing ovation that s a risk taking but it was at the very last moment that s one kind of risk taking i think on a bit come camo has said we need
the city you but the f.t. were against european integration and the second were the refugee crisis so i can see how the fact in substance and the political leader of the city you. bring them back into the boat deck scully you recently described in an article on the good kind of combat as a quote risk taker and deal maker are we then looking at a real change in leadership style compared to two chancellor merkel and if so where would you see those characteristics coming into play i think the fascinating but i know america she spoke when she was a child as a girl in school she would spend the entire swimming lesson standing on the edge of the diving board and literally at the last moment to finally dive into she screwed up her courage and jump in and she did exactly the same thing by giving up the c.d.u. leadership she waited for the last possible moment you do with dignity and she did a loop in the air and into the water and got a ten minute standing ovation that s risk taking but it was