good morning todd and ashley. biden s national security advisor met the top advisor in vienna who said america wants to move beyond the incident. where they lasted that chinese spy machine out of the sky. we spoke to the press on air force one on the way to japan. common concerns and issues associated with the policies and practices of the people s republic of china that will come up and i think you will see alignment and convergence around fundamental principles of our approach to the people s republic of china. president biden will be a japan through sunday with meetings. the trip was supposed to include a trip to papua new guinea and australia but the unresolved debt ceiling will cut this trip short. the president spoke before catching his flight to japan. i m confident we will get the agreement on the budget and america will not default and every leader in the room understands the consequences if we fail to pay our bills and it would be catastrophic for the americ
lawyer has receipts, and that special counsel jack smith has them too. the guardian reporting trump s lawyer evan corcoran warned trump about retaining classified documents, which could be significant in the probe. corcoran memorialized the warning in nearly 50 pages of note described to the guardian with three people with knowledge of their contents. the notes being produced to a federal grand jury after an appeals court allowed the attorney/client and work product privileges between corcoran and trump to be pierced because judges believed trump might have used corcoran s legal advice in furtherance of a crime. prosecutors have fixated on trump s valet, walt nalta after he told the d.a. trump told him to move boxes out of the storage room before and after the subpoena. that does not look good for trump. meanwhile, trump s legal team is thinning out. one of his top lawyers, tim parlatoe resigning, and siting problems with lawyer boris epshteyn. epstein is particularly close t
market and it s very exciting. for your convenience i have broken it down into three parts. professional resume. athletic and special skills resume. and dwight trivia. how why describe myself? three words. hard-working, alpha male, jack hammer. merciless. insinsatiable. there has been a video circuiting online if you watched the headlines or watched a clip you would get a very bad first impression. everybody was saying a white nurse stole a city bike from a couple black guys. they called her a karen. a 6 month pregnant nurse who just got off a 12-hour shift is jacking a bike off young black guys. watch of the video. help! help me! please help me. it s not your bike. please help me. it s not your bike. please help me. help. please get off me. help! dude. why what s wrong with you. don t touch his phone. do not touch his phone. i m not touching you. you are putting your stomach on my hand. help! dude, stop. it doesn t matter it s my bike. you are not
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that sounds like a deer. it is a double dare you. you are on. it is not so bad. it is more tingly than hot. will: on an absolutely insane day. we focus on what is most important and what is most important is potential corruption and compromise at the highest levels of the united states of america. so when it comes to the playground, joe biden s playground, it is 1600 pennsylvania avenue and everyone is tearing joe to run for reelection. we asked folks, do you think joe biden should run for reelection? only a quarter, 26% say they think he should run for reelection. of all, the president s job rating is not in a good place. most americans don t want to vote for an 81-year-old man. what do 74 of americans think the country is headed the wrong way. joe biden is playing by playground rules and he is not going to signal to a deer. mr. president [overlapping speakers] president biden: i won t get to answer any questions. stay tuned. will: rumors are ramp