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Returns and maybe claimings a deduction hunter wasnt entitled to . Hes also considering Charging Hunter with lying on a Gun Application and if this is the case then the president is right no one fs with a biden. Leaked by probably hunters team abdul probably be used to box in the attorney. Provide Talking Points to the media and lower expectations for House Republican investigators. And another fox news alert. Biden was just caught again with even more highly classified documents. Nbc news is now reporting bidens aides uncovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in, quote a location separate from his d. C. Office. Sources say aides have been sifting through documents stored at multiple locations. Joe only goes to delaware so where exactly are these locations . Are they looking into the dumpster that hunter threw his gun in and blamed the mexicans . Are they looking into the beach house that biden is building a wall around . Dont tell us joe stuffed his documents in the georgetown office, you know, the place where the Big Guy And Hunter Shared Keys with the Chinese Communist named gong dong . Remember that highly secured building where hunter was bringing strippers and crack heads . That would be pretty surprising, right . Wouldnt be the first time though joe has been surprised by all of this. The binder woman says it. How could anyone be that irresponsible . Isnt that what this president says about mishandling classified documents. The president spoke to this personally. He spoke to this personally. He, again, he believes that classified documents and information should be taken seriously. He takes them seriously. And he was surprised to learn by any records jesse did Joe Just Accidentsly stuff his documents full of intelligence reports on iran, Great Britain and ukraine as he was walking out of the white house in 2017 right after he spent the last week of his Vice Presidency in ukraine . Well, no one really cares on capitol hill. Talk about the classified documents found in President Bidens think tank. No, no, no. No evidence of deliberate intent or obstruction of justice as we see in the case of donald trump in maralago. Do you think that poses a National Security threat. No. Why not . I dont think so. Do you have any comment on President Biden keeping classified documents . Jesse she is eating the cookie. But theres a lot more to the story than meets the eye. Its not like joes personal lawyers were grabbing their coats from the closet and, boom, what do you know . Documents labeled top secret just fell on top. Joes lawyers were there to pack. Why is President Biden closing down the Penn Biden Center in the middle of his presidency . And why desend lawyers to pack boxes instead of staff . If im closing down my office, im sending johnny im not paying a lawyer 1200 an hour to carry boxes. Johnny will do it for free. But the Washington Post has an answer. And they say its unclear. It wasnt just first year lawyers packing joes office either. The lawyer, who they say found the documents, is dana r ream mass. Dolls she look like she can carry boxes . Joe is so woke he is having women move him now. Who is donna. She is responsible for all of obamas records. Her job was to literally keep those documents in check and report straight back to the persnickety librarians over at the National Archives obama liked her so much he even official united stated her wedding. Do you realize how many favors you have to do to have obama officiate your wedding . Then were joe runs she becomes joes campaign lawyer. He gets elected and she becomes chief white house counsel. But a month before these documents are discovered, Dana Ream Mass steps down and becomes legal partner at Covington And Burling where she becomes joes private attorney. And then she just happens to find joes secret stash of documents a week before the midterms . And the first person she calls is the librarian who got trump in trouble and the librarian suddenly has no comment. The librarian who loves barack. We were fortunate that president obama in his open Government Initiative recognized the importance of good recordkeeping and we were just dancing in the streets when we got that attention. Jesse is this team obama trying to set joe up so he bows out and newsom moves in . Nah, right . Just found the documents at the time Penn Biden Center the place where joe had at least 10 of his white house Staff Members working out of it, people like Rahm Emanuels brother Ezekiel Emanuel who was in charge of the Penn Biden Center. Tony blinksen managing director. Steven are a Chety Meeting Behind Closed Doors mini madoff the month before he donated 70 mil to the dems . What were they managing there . Hunter called the Penn Biden Center the Clinton Global Initiative without the fundraising. Who was fundraising for all of this and paying all of joes buddies . The chinese were. As soon as Penn Biden Center opened the chinese quadrupled its donations to the University Of Pennsylvania pouring in at least 55 mil. Who were some of these chinese donors . One of joes mega donors came from a chinese Shell Company called the nice famous corporation. We wish we were kidding. Totally not a bribe llc give joe money, too. It wouldnt surprise us. But, maybe it surprised joe. Lets bring in dan bongino, host of unfiltered on saturday nights. So, more documents are being discovered, dan. I have a feeling this might not be the last batch. No. Probably not. And you know you hit on something really interesting there in your monologue. Everybody covering on my podcast here for a while. Im not trying to take credit for your idea please, in any way. If you are a listener of the show you know i have hit on this, right . Joe biden it was a useful tool for the democrats to, you know, get rid of donald trump because they had Bernie Sanders and these other lunatics running last time. So they figured that this bowl of oatmeal would be better than this socialist communist, right . So lets use him. Now, i said the minute joe biden, ive said this on my show probably a hundred times, decides he is going to run again. And then the democrats think they have Better Options out there, the democrats are going to throw him under the bus like they threw him under the bus to push him aside when hillary wanted to run. So, i dont know, but i think your monologue, im not saying im just saying is my friends in queens used to say, you may kind of hit on something right there, i dont know. Well see where that goes let me throw in one more point here, having said all of that, dont discount this guy and throw him in the garbage either. Is he the Single Luckiest Human Being on earth. Caught lying about having three degrees, being the outstanding student, being at the top of his class, having angelo from amtrak tell him he is a million mile member. Getting arrested with nelson mandela. Having puerto rican heritage, having jewish heritage. Italian heritage. Pop rub his legs in the pool. Italian heritage. Plagiarizing his speech by neil kinnick. The guys son turned over a laptop ufc Type Maneuvers with hookers overseas while Smoking Crack in a tank. The guys Business Partner went on fox news and said hes the big guy and a potential International Scandal for his last name and hes still sitting in the white house. Dont count this guy out, man. Jesse i agree he is teflon so far. And he can lie like and this he says yeah, i never knew i had classified docs at my center and the media goes you know what . Youre right. Its just an honest mistake. Trump, hes the bad guy. He was selling Nuclear Secrets out of his palm beach estate. This guy, you know what . Its not suspicious at all. Its not suspicious, dan, that he is taking a Million Dollars a year salary from the chinese that you they laundered through the Penn Biden Center that biden has never even gone to because he doesnt know whats in the closet. I heard he got paid Something Like 540,000 a year for two years for this gig for nine appearances and this 300,000 another year . You are telling this guy got paid 30 to 40,000 in a appearances . What a were they doing in these appearances, man . Was he giving like some words of wisdom where you all went out and wrote books or Writing Courses . No. This guy, the Big Demarcation Point between him and trump that the media conveniently leaves out of every narrative when they say oh, you know, trump obstructed. One, thats an allegation. Hes never been charged with that secondly, the reason they say he obstructed is because trump had a legitimate claim ohe said hey, i was the president. I declassified this, therefore there is a dispute over the classification of the document. Joe biden cant do any of that. He cant declassify jack squat and jack left town. The media people shocker are lying like they always do. Jesse trump had the documents for a year and a half. Biden had them for six in a place next to a steakhouse in washington, d. C. Janitor was probably in there cleaning up. Reading the things, taking screenshots of them, sending them to the Chinese Communist party. Who knows . Jesse lets do a Background Check on the custodial staff at the Penn Biden Center. Thanks very much. Dan bongino, check him out saturday nights at 9 00. So why did every flight in america get canceled this morning . Primetime investigation next. Jesse theres a lot of people in the white house you dont really hear much about. Sure, we want to hear from the attorney general, Secretary Of Defense or Homeland Security guy but the department of interior, agriculture, transportation, im already bored. Theyre important jobs but if theyre on camera, theres a problem. Can you name clintons Secretary Of Transportation . What about bushs . Or obamas or trumps . You dont know their names because you dont have to. But i bet you know bidens. Mayor pete. Who is on tv more than fauci. When the guy was running for president , nobody knew who he was. Who is this guy . John lennon or somebody . [laughter] john lennon. Is he from the beatles. Tom hanks . Borders. Disha you . No. I dont know who that is. Do we lookalike . A little bit. Really . A tiny bit. Jesse now they know him. Every time there is a travel catastrophe petes on tv. It started with the supply chain. When we were getting worried we werent going to be able to get christmas presents in time. Pete told us to shop early. I think there has always been two kinds of christmas shoppers, the ones who have all their list completed by halloween and then theres people like me who show up at the mall on christmas eve. If youre in that latter bucket, obviously theres going to be more challenges. Jesse when flights were delayed last summer because of the pilot shortage, you know, the vax mandate, pete clapped and when rail unions were about to strike, pete was in portugal getting tan. When a snow storm crippled the country, thousands of flights were canceled. Pete said he would get you a refund. Did you gets your refund yet . I dont think you did. And today, every flight in america was canceled. Every flight this time pete couldnt blame the airlines or the weather. The faas computers went down. And thousands of us were stranded. But, dont worry, pete called biden. I just spoke with i dont know what the cause is. On the phone 10 minutes. A report directly to me when they find out. Jesse pete called the president to tell him he didnt know what happened. The conversation happened 10 minutes. Im glad biden shared that with us. It doesnt matter if America Grounds more flights than we did since 9 11. Biden still loves pete. Does President Biden have confidence in the transportation Secretary Buttigieg. Yes. Why . Because Secretary Buttigieg is a is he respects the secretary and the work that he has been doing. Jesse okay. So our very own stupid Son Of A Bitch stumped her. Lets see if she can answer a easier question like what day is today . All right. Good afternoon, everyone. Happy monday. Okay. Monday . Monday . See . [laughter] that is how my week is going. Jesse every week is a tough week for that lady. So the computers went down and thousands of flights were just gone. Were going to blame the russians, right . Any indication that there was a cyberattack involved . There has been no direct evidence or indication of that, but we are also not going to rule that out until we have a clear and better understanding whats taking place, but, again, no indication of that at this time. Jesse im shocked democrats didnt blame the russians. I mean that was a layup. But their computers are ancient. Everybody knows this. If one guy trips over a telephone cord, the whole thing goes down. Why hasnt pete been banging the table demanding new computers . Pete, can we get a refund since this one is on you . Should the government be reimbursing people who missed flights and now have to take hotels expenses as they are required to do by you when its the airlines fault . Well, were not forprofit Companies Selling tickets the way an airline is. Our responsibility is to make sure that everybody is safe. And were always going to err on the side of safety. Maybe this is way of petes way making us bike. Im not shocked. This happened when he was mayor of indiana. He couldnt figure out how to fill the potholes. His Hometown Tribune potholes the worst that area repair shops can remember in 10 years with lines related pothole repair nearly every day. Pete got the job in the cabinet because he dropped out, endorsed Joe Over Bernie and likes to talk about racism. The guy was on a racist bridge tour while the faa computers crand out. And instead of fixing the computer system, they renamed it. Its called notam which used to stand for notices to airmen. But thats not inclusive. Air women must have been offended or air they. And so pete changed it to notices to air mission and patted himself on the back job well done. And then it all fell apart. What about the billions in funding that the faa gets . What did they use that money for . Did they upgrade anything . Well, we took a look at bidens little infrastructure bill. And they sent a lot of cash to the faa. But it wasnt really clear if any of that was used for computers. We do know theyre using 20 million for racial equity. And they set aside 15 billion in discretionary funding to help promote environmental justice. And now he is shaking down congress for even more cash. Hell probably use it to buy the Flight Attendants gender neutral luggage. Dont tell sticky finger sammy that. We got our hands on footage from faa summit and they are brainstorming how to make people see that inclusion is more important than safety. Its interesting because safety is, you know, separate from the mission but is more integral to any mission, to any technical goal, any objective than diversity and equity and inclusion in particular. So, how do we how do we make them more the same . How do we show that important, particularly with inclusion . Jesse integral. They also talked about how its important to fly a plane if you can tell your copilot youre gay. If we have inclusive language and everybody is using that inclusive language, oh, im going to be comfortable and, yes, i am i am part of the lgbtq and i feel absolutely great about bringing my ideas in and once im free of having to hide and do all these things, boy, my creativity can be absolutely put into work and come up with those ideas to solve problems and make make aerospace the safest in the world. Jesse they want the cockpit to be a safe space. And this is just the first step. The idea of using pronouns and everybody representing who they want to be and i think thats really the first step. Were looking at all of the language that is used on an everyday basis and seeing if it is holding any [inaudible] views or excluding people or setting up a specific standard of participants that it shouldnt be. Jesse just stop people from fighting in coach and take off on time. Thats really all we want. So they have the money to hire a team to sniff o patriarchal vies if you use the wrong pronoun or worse joke about pronouns, you might be driving a bus next month. Regarding pronouns, people make a lot of jokes about it such as like well, i identify as a strawberry so call me a strawberry now. Which is not appropriate. Jesse just fly the plane, i dont care how my pilot identifies, just identify on time. Lets bring it over to former white house counselor Kellyanne Conway was also canceled today. Were glad she is joining us tonight. How was the flight . No one was knocking back drinks and trying to coldcock the Flight Attendants. They were trying there was noe accountability. That was the 5 37 a. M. Out of little rock we got lucky because we eventually came. But, jesse, look. We have to update Pete Buttigiegs resume the rap on buttigieg including from democratic rival joe biden is that youve just been mayor of southbound indiana less than 100,000 people. People had insulted buttigieg by saying his biggest infrastructure accomplishment is that he put decorative lighting in the rivers and on the pavements. Really a low blow. Now Pete Buttigieg has a ton of experience. He has presided over a supply chain crisis, a railroad strike, ships and containers stuck in our oceans. Rising gas prices, of course, today, the First National ground hold of flights since 9 11 when Pete Buttigieg was 19 years old. So he does have the experience. The man speaks eight languages none of which make any sense to we the flying public. And his Department Of Transportation has 58,000 employees and a budget in 2023, jesse, of 23. 5 billion. Folks, women out there, ladies, if i gave you 1,000 more a week or a month and two extra people to help you, how different your life would be. This guy has 58,000 people and 23 and a half billion dollars and cant deliver a Transportation System that is modern, that is efficient, that is safe, that is reliable. The only person that seems to have got his or her luggage on time late last year was sam briton at the Department Of Energy and it wasnt his luggage. He was stealing it from other people. So, look, i think this is part and parcel of the biden administration, jesse, where they dont tell you the truth. They dont inform you. We didnt know what was going on until we got to the gate. How was there not an alert. If someone uses the wrong word we get alert right away. No alert until we were at our gate. No good answers even including tonight. Is it a cyberattack . Is it russia . Is it antiquated. That air Traffic Control system was built for 100,000 annual flights a year. We have about a billion now. Jesse well, if you dont get your luggage stolen, you cant take off on time. Kellyanne conway, im glad you made it though. No delays on primetime. Thank you. Never. Thank you. Jesse up next, a man who has been on the inside of mexicos deadliest drug cartel. [sfx stomach gurgling] its nothing. 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Right now, the cartels make a lot of mope, which they use for Drug Trafficking as well people go through may make it through jungles and a long journey to the to to the border, and many are victimized not only in terms of what they have to pay but victimized physically and other ways. And so were trying to make it easier for people to get here, opening up the capacity to get here. Jesse so joes plan to stop the cartels is an app. Makes it easier for migrants to come to america. Maybe its me but that doesnt really feel like thats enough because Cartel Violence is out of control. New generation led by former mexican Military Officer who thinks that rather than dont [bleep] where you sleep so that people on your side. Whenever you move into a town you shoot it up. You do kick over the lady, you kick over her purse and make her scared of you. Thats the point of this. All the other cartels control the access point. The generation now is challenging every single one of them trying to breakthrough. And if they do and they bring their Business Acumen if you will north of the border, theyre going to start killing white chicks named sheila in phoenix. Jesse but as violent as the cartels are its their product thats deadly. Fentanyl, far and away number one killer of u. S. Adults. Investigative journalist lewis saw fentanyl lab firsthand when he went inside the Sinaloa Cartel i met a man introduced as one of the most in the cartel. House was almost complete darkness and he had several packages of m 30s on the wooden table. We changed from hair to win fentanyl because of the profitability with small quantity of fentanyl we can do a lot. When the time came to pour the Fentanyl Powder into the mix of acetone blue color it took get as far back as we could to avoid an overdose. Recently just out from the hospital after accidently having inhaled some of the powder when cooking. He immediately passed out and was in coma. Jesse Journalist And Producer Lewis is with us now. Do you agree, lewis, with our friend peter zion who was on rogan who says that the cartels are coming to america . Hey, jesse what i do think and do know is that cartels already operate in the u. S. They have managed to get strong links in the u. S. With u. S. Citizens. They are operating inside the u. S. Im just worried about the violence that were seeing on the screen and the kidnappings and some of the bloodthirsty tack continuings. I do not want to see that the in United States. What is the United States doing if anything about the cartels and are we working with mexican drug cartels . I dont think the u. S. Is actually doing anything to stop this from happening but maybe probably allowing more guns to go into mexico to even make it worse. I mean, thats a tough question. Because i know that for a fact the cia has been collaborating without them probably not even knowing theyre being part of a covert operation. Jesse oh so we have covert ops down there and cartels have no idea they are being manipulated. What is it like inside one of these drug labs . Well, these drug labs in sinaloa are pretty much small setups inside regular houses on nice neighborhoods, like the one were seeing right now on screen but they cant produce millions and millions of dollars of blue pills fake percocets filled with fentanyl. Donald trump wanted to knock out some of these cartel labs with Missile Strikes or drone strikes. Do you think that would be effective . I really dont think so. I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed from a policy or not from an attack or policies on both sides of the border. Jesse all right. You know, most of the appetite for these drugs is coming from gutfeld. So im going to get gutfeld to go straight and maybe that could solve the Cartel Violence. Listen, you are a brave man. Thank you for joining us and keep up the good work. Thank you very much, jesse. Thanks a lot. Jesse i thought liberals wanted to save the whales, turns out theyre killing them. My asthma felt anything but normal. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. Jesse the whole state of california is in the middle of one of the worst rain storms on record. And one things for sure, celebrities are the hardest hit. Be nicer to Mother Nature. Mother nature is not happy with us. Stay safe, everybody. Jesse did you hear it its raining because Mother Nature is angry. And you dont like it when Mother Nature gets angry. Thats what preemptive people did for centuries, throw something into a volcano to appease the weather gods . But the fact none of these celebrities consider is the climate is cookin doing better e think. The hole in the ozone layer. Set to be entirely healed in just a few years. And the Great Barrier reef which we were told was going to die is now making a comeback. See, were not going extinct. We can do this, people good news is bad news for democrats because they cant make money off it. You cant save the climate if the climate doesnt need saving. The problem is sometimes these projects do more harm than good, just look at the whales. The last month six whales have all washed up dead on the jersey shore. What happened. Surveying. Surveying. Ocean wind projects absolutely destroying our area. Jesse did they o. D. On fentanyl . Were they whacked by whoever got mini madoffs cohorts. New jersey is actively preparing to build massive wind farms right off the coast. And the whales are paying the price, probably these experts are these projects are killing these whales and they havent even Broken Ground yet. They are just doings surveys. This whale was actually buried in Atlantic City. Best of your recollection believe me, its a whole lot better than how we used to do it. It had been so long since a whale had washed up in lane county nobody could remember how to get rid of one. So dynamite it was some 20 cases or a half ton of it. The long dead pacific grave well would be almost dissent United States graduated by the blast. Any small pieces would be taken care of by seagulls and over Saf Ventricle to enter gears. Im confident it will work. The only thing is were not sure exactly how many explosives it will take to disintegrate this. [explosion] oh not only killing the whales but eyesores. Primetime is hearing these babies have enough raw power to knock Chris Christie off his chair at the beach. Like Dean Ocean Advocate and Knowledge Group protect our coast. Mike, were hearing these things are going to be a thousand feet tall. Youre going to be able to see them. I think we have artistic rendition of what they are going to look like at the jersey shore if you guys can put that up on the screen. You are not going to be basking into the new jersey beautiful coast. You will be able to see these monsters as you are slathering on sunscreen. What are the effects going to be . Well, yeah. I think, jesse, thanks for having me on, first of all and thanks for your coverage of this story. Its an important one. Were down here in Atlantic City right where they buried that whale on monday or sunday after it watched up on saturday. The harms with these projects and the costs are limitless and its really hard to find any benefits after the all. Its not a good idea, i dont think, in anybodys mind to pave the ocean floor from Massachusetts Out around long island, all the way down the jersey coast to carolina. I mean, pave the ocean floor and embed 90 story Wind Turbines off the coast, like you said, they will be visible but the aesthetics is the least of it. There is no reason to kill whole species of protected animals to do that. As you mentioned, we had we have had six whales. Six protected whales wash up in a month. The industrial Wind Companies are out there pounding the sea bed with sonar. With geothermal and Geo Technical sonar that confuses the whales. They operate on the same frequency as the whales and it separates the moms from the baby whales. The whales can wander into ship traffic and here we have it six have washed up in a months period of time. Your producer sent me a release from governor if you are if i talking today about the wind port they are building and how important it was we signed another client, i think they are norwegian, they might be danish. Im not sure. As a tenant on the other side f the state. Where is the announcement about the investigation for these six whales that washed up dead over the last month . 33 days, its unprecedented. So there needs to be an investigation there needs to be a cc of operations out there in the ocean. And it needs to be a stopping of the permitting new power and new lease sales in the atlantic. Until we find some answers. And if we find the answers, that say this is harmful, which it clearly is, common sense would tell you thats what killed these whales. Thats the only thing going on out there right now. We have had commercial fishing and had Recreational Fishing going on for generations if not centuries here. Jesse yeah. And now we are doing this and we have dead whales washing up. Jesse we are going to talk to governor murphy about this and if you are watching at home, contact the governor, contact his office. See if we can slow this thing down because, im kidding around a little bit about the eyesore. This thing is just running roughshod over marine life and its no good. Off the jersey shore. Correct. Mike, stay warm out there and keep up the good work. Thanks, jesse. And thanks for your attention to this matter. Jesse turns out new york citys migrants dont like our cooking. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. When you are a guest in somebodys home you live by their rules. Take the shoes off at the door, stick to their curfew. Eat what they serve you no matter how bad the food is. Look at that. Sorry. Why you crying . I told you we put it in too early. It is just a little dry. New york city population doesnt get the memo. Shelters full. Illegals housed in fancy hotels. This one called the row in time square, it is 500. Some of the migrants seem to be enjoying themselves, trashed after a world cup party. Hotels hot bed for drugs, fights Domestic Violence since october. They hate our cooking. Tax payors buying migrants meals and throwing the food out. Garbage bags full of full perfectly good sandwiches. Cooking their own dinners on hot plates is a fire has saturday. Not even a little gratitude. Jimmy fox across america. Nailed it, congratulates. I lost 20 bucks to alison right there. They are not eating our sandwiched. I know insane, did you have me on to say it is okay to throw back food from time to time . This is an intervention. Everybody needs to understand, shopping for a hotel in a liberal city. Airbnb needs border and biden. Not even the fact they are sending back the food. We live in new york, thousands of homeless veterans. Fought for the country you are on the streets, snuck in you are in the suites. Stick with me waters, it is a family program. Ridiculous look at the rooms. Who are these finicky my grants. How about the rules of your home. Does this have mayo . Migrants are yelping hospitality. Should we be giving them tacos. You have renounced rights. I didnt get a second dinner at my house and there legally. All right. Jimmy, maybe you can burn something down with a hot plate. You have done so much, thank you. A lot of you have been texting me about last nights window or lack thereof. Here is bethany from st. Paul, minnesota. I was disappointed, cant promise something that juicy and with hold it unless your adam schiff who had nothing. Call me pencil neck. I had nothing yesterday. Inside joke. Producers what is your window, 90 seconds to the window. I have nothing i have to share with the audience. Half that stuff is on the fly. Last time i faked a window. How many windows have i faked carolyn from connecticut why havent they leaked files . Spread out document shot we got from maralago. Skiff from pittsburgh, i wonder if that has gas stoves. Tim from utah, i heard the planes couldnt take off because there were potholes on the tarmac. Bridge it from veil, colorado, it is 2023 jesse, women can fly planes an carry boxes. They can fly planes. Would i ask a woman to help me move . Probably not, not because i am a misogynist because of the other reason. Josh from knox sil, tennessee, happy monday. Scott from bradenton, florida, tomato both a fruit and vegetable. My family has been growing them 100 years. Tomatoes are a bi. Didnt know. Paul from wyoming, have you considered being a guest for gutfield . He tapes his show at the time i do this show. It is best i dont have to do that damn show. I am waters, this is my world. [music] breaking news this is going to shock you, yet more classified documents in the possession of joe biden. The guy that has been lecturing you about classified documents. Stashed in a new location separate from the socalled Penn Biden Center. Magnet for chinese money. You are not allowed to know. Administration wont tell us. We are waiting for the

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