How did Kush embrace an Egyptian identity while keeping its unique character? The luxurious trade hub of Naqa stands as a testament to Kush's rich history and economic significance.
Think back to the history books you read as a kid. They were filled with tales of legendary and impactful leaders, of course. But most (if not all) were
One hundred and eighty years ago, the Prussian king sent a team of scientists to the Nile. The items they brought back were ground-breaking for the development of Egyptology, a science very much in its infancy at the time. An exhibition on Berlin’s Museum Island tells the story
One hundred and eighty years ago, the Prussian king sent a team of scientists to the Nile. The items they brought back were ground-breaking for the development of Egyptology, a science very much in its infancy at the time. An exhibition on Berlin’s Museum Island tells the story