we have five months until election day. now every poll that comes out we know it s me particular alsoly dissected as we all try to analyze where the momentum is. this time around we have seen trump looking strong in poll after poll. but, a few recent surveys including one from us here at fox, shows the race tighter and it triggered some wishful thinking syndrome in some corridors. big shift among independent voters could signal some new momentum for president biden. every poll suggests a tight race. this one shows a little momentum, perhaps. probably than biden has had in really months. it underscores that the biden campaign theory of the case here is which is that as people started to dial in they would find trump less and less appealing. laura: before they start making plans for the second biden inaugural, let s break this down and look at things in some context here. now, first, even with the latest polls, factored in, trump is still leading in the national rcp a
at this point he s put in a position i agree with john. there is no way most people that know the president, he was a master of the micro. there is no way he didn t know about the cover. there s no way he didn t know who was the elevator operator in trump tower. i m talking about somebody that knows him and that everybody in any of us, pro or con, that had good or bad meetings with donald trump met with michael cohen. michael cohen was like his therapist. he s the guy when you walked out angry because he wouldn t do whatever it was, he was the comforter to all of us on the long ride downstairs and why this guy was as belligerent as he is. one of trump s many binkies. here s the thing. as bad as all the catch and kill is, as bad as all the stories are, there is a small percentage cohen did on donald trump s behalf. it makes it much worse than what we know about the campaign finance violations potentially. but when the totality of what he s done in all of these foreign countrie
this never ending, unreasonable attack on trump is going to have a backlash. is going to cause a backlash at some point. you cannot maintain fevered pitch emotion over anything, pro-or con. at 100 percent intensity for very long. brian: jeff flake has 16 point advantage head to head with governor kasich. soon to be giving him primary challenges. he has a 6 point advantage. 90 plus percent in the media. this is not exaggeration. against president trump in 95% of coverage. there is not even a positive story unless it s a reader. if you put it from anderson cooper to rachel maddow there is not much of a difference in the anti-trump venom. steve: they wind up losing credibility if there is nothing there like the roseanne function which we saw turns out 25 million people saw rose san. there is appetite for that