“The Heavenly Idol” has shared key points to look forward to in the drama’s final two episodes! Based on a popular webtoon and web novel, “The Heavenly Idol” is a tvN fantasy drama starring Kim Min Kyu as High Priest Rembrary, who suddenly wakes up one day to find himself in the body of Woo Yeon
Fan-favorite actor Kim Min Gyu announces his enlistment date. The actor will appear in his last project “Sacred Idol” with Go Bo Gyeol before enlisting and here’s what we know so far!
#KimMinGyu #SacredIdol
Kim Sejeong, Ahn Hyo Seop, Seol In Ah and Kim Min Gyu’s “Business Proposal” will always be special to fans and avid viewers. For two months, the show gave so much to treasure. Here’s where to see more of the cast next!
#BusinessProposal #ABusinessProposal #KimSejeong #AhnHyoSeop #SeolInAh #KimMinGyu