America. First reading, writing, and radicalism that is the focus of tonights angle. All right let me just say this is a mother, it is a minefield for parents out there and too often the people who to trust te teacher Sons And Daughters are the ones you can trust the lease. Like this lovely teacher. A woman named amber parker who just fired from Franklin High School in el paso, texas, come on. Her message the students recently was dont be mean to. When i call them that. Dont judge people. Laura if you wonder why your kids come home questioning families values and beliefs its because of socalled educators like ms. Parker. And when that push to normalize deviancy she is doing her part to advance the larger goal. Which is the persecute anyone with traditional views on sexuality. Now the unions in the left is who fund them while conservative parents driven underground or out of public life altogether. The bottom line is you are a devout christian, muslim, or, they think youre hateful and t
america. first reading, writing, and radicalism that is the focus of tonight s angle. all right let me just say this is a mother, it is a minefield for parents out there and too often the people who to trust te teacher sons and daughters are the ones you can trust the lease. like this lovely teacher. a woman named amber parker who just fired from franklin high school in el paso, texas, come on. her message the students recently was don t be mean to. when i call them that. don t judge people. laura: if you wonder why your kids come home questioning families values and beliefs it s because of so-called educators like ms. parker. and when that push to normalize deviancy she is doing her part to advance the larger goal. which is the persecute anyone with traditional views on sexuality. now the unions in the left is who fund them while conservative parents driven underground or out of public life altogether. the bottom line is you are a devout christian, muslim, or, they t
a question mark the reporter was unassuming because of some is so important to show your support why how to fill the public to me now is fox s contributor says goodbye. aranda out of the sides up at all. zero. it really is an eight applicable why joe biden was back home in wilmington just last weekend as he is most weekends. could ve easily voted is been early voting there from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. since august 31st. he had ample opportunity to view a prevote and he had ample opportunity to cast a mailing ballot because delaware is no excuses in mail-in ballots. just bizarre that he would spend some in like $2,000 easily
curel were racist. of course, almost all of the them went on to vote for him as president. i think where this potentially changes is when it becomes part of a one-off pattern or few things the president just has thrown out here. if people link this to actual violence like there was in charlottesville or el paso, that s where it could be somewhat more dicey but this is certain something republicans have been willing to tall rate in the past. and we re not just judging, when you look back prevote, prevote, people heard what the president had to say about a gold star family, the whole candidacy that was in many ways founded on immigration, founded on birtherism. and yet now, and this is really fascinating to me, vaughn hillyard s been out there talking to voters. here s what he is hearing on the trail. he tweeted no longer does the conversation with voters go immediately to health care or tax policy or education, despite
this hour, even or the next hour. it looks like it s going to be much later than that. we are in hurry up and wait mode. it s what s happening now. house republicans are going to meet once again for a prevote rally and a chance to get fed then we ll see where it goes from there. okay. gloria, let s look at some of the numbers. we talked about this, the new york times /cbs poll shows 87% of americans would be frustrated if the government shuts down. 87% would be frustrated. 10% would be satisfied. 87% of republicans would be frustrated. do politicians understand the outrage they may be facing here? reporter: well, i think they do. i think that s why you see this sort of blame shifting going on between the democrats and the republicans and why you would honestly, don, see such open