(Archived document, may contain errors) A HerUl'age Foundation Conference How Business Can Save Education: A State Agenda For Reform P hiladelphia, Pennsylvania April 24, 1991 John Chubb SeniorFeuow Broolcings Institution Denis Doyle Senior Research FeRow Hudson Institute Eric Hanushek Professor of Economics and Political Science University of Rochester Herbert Walberg Professor of Education University of Illinois Introduction
(Archived document, may contain errors) IDEAS, THINK-TANKS AND GOVERNMENTS Away from the Power Elite, Back to the People by Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. I am going to talk about ideas, think-tanks and governments, but I think you will see that what I am really talking about is change inno'vation. Not sudden changes, but gradual changes in intellectual discussions, in public polic y deba7tes, in power structures, in governments, and ultimately in the way we are governed. of course, all of this change ultimately depends on ideas, and on the power of ideas.