The Delhi traffic police has issued advisories to the general public for Tuesday keeping in mind that the counting of votes will be going on at different locations for the Lok Sabha 2024 elections while informing them of traffic restrictions between 7:00 am in the morning to 10:00 pm at
Commuters were advised to avoid several roads, including Chaudhari Gulab Singh Road, KC Goel Marg, Wazirabad Road, Khajuri Chowk, and other areas. | Latest News Delhi
A car rammed into a scooter and dragged the rider on its roof for about 350 metres, killing him in Delhi's Keshav Puram area on Friday. The pillion rider died on the spot.
According to the FIR registered at the Keshav Puram police station, such was the impact of the collision that the scooter rider was thrown off the seat of his two-wheeler and landed on the vehicle s roof, while the pillion rider died on the spot. Delhi Hit-and-Drag Case: Man Who Was Dragged for About 350 Metres Atop Car in Keshav Puram, Succumbs to Injuries.