Delhi Police have arrested two men in connection with the Rs 1 crore robbery at gunpoint by bike-borne assailants in the national capital, the police said on Saturday.The accused have been identified as Vikki and Monty a.k.a Pritam Kumar. The .
A person was arrested and a juvenile detained for allegedly robbing a 55-year-old man's phone at Pratap Nagar Metro Station in the national capital, informed police.
A person was arrested and a juvenile detained for allegedly robbing a 55-year-old man s phone at Pratap Nagar Metro Station in the national capital, informed police.
One dead in Delhi factory fire
The incident happened near the Pratap Nagar Metro Station.
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Smoke billows after a fire erupted in a plastic and nail polish factory near near Pratap Nagar Metro Station in Delhi in Saturday, February 27, 2021.
| Photo Credit: Shiv Kumar Pushpakar
The incident happened near the Pratap Nagar Metro Station.
A major fire broke out at a factory near Pratap Nagar Metro Station in the early hours of Saturday. One charred body has been found, Delhi Fire Services (DFS) said.
A DFS official said that a call regarding the fire was received around 4 a.m., after which 15 fire tenders were pressed into service. Subsequently, 10 more were sent to douse the fire. The operation is still under way, DFS said.