Apple iPhone 14 was launched in 2022 along with Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Plus at a starting price of Rs 79,900. The phone received a Rs 10,000 price cut after the launch of Apple iPhone 15 series.
Apple iPhone 14 was launched last year along with Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Plus at a starting price of Rs 79,900. Apple iPhone 14 recently received a Rs 10,000 price cut after the launch of Apple iPhone 15 series.
Apple iPhone 15 Plus is available at Rs 45,400 in Flipkart Sale after Rs 42,500 off. For context, Apple iPhone 14 is priced at Rs 69,900 on Apple’s official store.
Apple iPhone 14 was launched last year along with Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Plus at a starting price of Rs 79,900. The phone received a Rs 10,000 price cut after the launch of Apple iPhone 15 series.
Apple iPhone 15 is available at Rs 37,400 in Flipkart Sale after Rs 42,500 off. For context, Apple iPhone 14 is priced at Rs 69,900 on Apple’s official store.