At the time of launch, Apple iPhone 15 with 128GB storage was priced at Rs 79,900 India. However, Apple iPhone 15 is currently available at just Rs 14,499 in Flipkart Sale after Rs 51,500 off.
Apple iPhone 15 with 128GB storage was priced at Rs 79,900 India. However, Apple iPhone 15 is currently available at just Rs 13,009 in the Flipkart Sale after Rs 61,990 off.
Apple iPhone 15 is available at Rs 37,400 in Flipkart Sale after Rs 42,500 off. For context, Apple iPhone 14 is priced at Rs 69,900 on Appleās official store.
At the time of launch, Apple iPhone 15 with 128GB storage was priced at Rs 79,900 India. However, Apple iPhone 15 is currently available at just Rs 29,900 on Flipkart after Rs 50,000 off.