July 8: California Welcome Center to open. Preparations are well underway for the ribbon cutting and grand opening celebration of the new California Welcome Center at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center at 200 S. School St.
July July 1: Illegal cultivation “huge problem.” Though the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office has been finding fewer illegal marijuana cultivation sites recently, Sheriff Matt Kendall said that “illegal cultivation continues to be a huge problem for our county and continues to bring organized crime, violence, and environmental damage.” July 5: Man attacked while sleeping. A […]
TINA L. SCOTT EDITOR On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, residents of Lincoln County will go to the polls to elect County Board Supervisors and a Multi-Jurisdictional Municipal Judge for Merrill and Tomahawk. Many of these races are contested, with a much-larger-than-average number of candidates running for offices in Lincoln County. This edition includes introductions to candidates running for election who returned their completed questionnaires. Lincoln County Board of Supervisors race Lincoln County District 1 Incumbent William R. Bialecki is running unopposed in Lincoln County District 1. Name: William (Bill) Bialecki (Incumbent) Age: 76 Family: Spouse Judy, 9 children, 4 grandchildren […]
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London Pool expected to open this summer
By Sarah Hawley - shawley@aimmediamidwest.com
Repair work has been completed the London Pool in Syracuse in advance of the 2021 season.
Meigs County London Pool | Facebook photo
SYRACUSE Meigs County’s public pool is expected to open this summer in Syracuse.
London Pool has undergone repair work this spring in preparation for the upcoming season after being closed the previous two years. Pool committee members are hopeful for a Memorial Day opening.
Commissioner Jimmy Will explained that the county, who took over ownership of the pool from the village of Syracuse in 2019, received $100,000 in funding from the state Capital Budget to go toward the necessary work to reopen the pool.