The government has allocated Rs 1,300 crore to procure electric buses and Rs 24,931 crore for metro projects in the interim Budget. The mass rapid transit system and metro projects received a 7.57% increase in funds compared to last year. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) receives Rs 26,170 crore, and the PM SVANidhi scheme is allocated Rs 326 crore. The Smart Cities Mission gets Rs 2,400 crore, while the Swachh Bharat Mission is given Rs 5,000 crore. The PM-eBus Sewa scheme aims to provide 10,000 electric buses to 169 cities. The NaMo Bharat trains and RRTS are catalysts for urban transformation in rapidly urbanizing India.
The government will launch a housing scheme for people living in rented accommodation, slums or unauthorized colonies. The announcement is in line with the government’s ‘Housing for All’ mission
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing a gathering in Maharashtra’s Solapur after laying the foundation stone of 8 AMRUT projects. | Latest News India
In a letter to municipal commissioners and executive officers of the ULBs, additional secretary of the urban development department, Debasis Singh, said under PMAY-U, 28,472 units are under various stages of construction, which must be completed before December 2024.