This 30-day plank challenge will build strength in your entire core and teach you plank variations to switch up your workout. Try this 30-day plank challenge to create a strong, stable core.
Start a new healthy habit with this 30-day long abs challenge program, which provides you with workouts and exercises to strengthen your core for a month.
Planks might bore you.
That s fine. You might also think of the staple core exercise as an opportunity in your workout to take a breather from high-intensity moves, or as a chance to try to outlast a ticking countdown or a friend, holding the rigid position until your shoulders ache and your hips sag.
In either case, you re approaching the plank the wrong way. The simple bodyweight move is a valuable training tool, both to strengthen your core and to reinforce solid postural cues that will transfer to other exercises and your day-to-day life.
The plank isn t just about your abs, after all. It s about your whole core, and more. That s one of the reasons why you shouldn t expect results from holding the position for minutes on end (or hours, if you re looking to break a record). The plank is the most basic of exercises, and challenges you to keep core and glutes tight, says