The BJP’s Himachal Pradesh unit on Friday reviewed the ’Meri Maati, Mera Desh’ campaign and stressed accelerating the booth-strengthening programme from October 1.
The BJP has warned of an aggressive movement against the Congress government in Himachal Pradesh if they withdraw the welfare-oriented decisions of the previous Jairam Thakur government in the hill-state.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The BJP has warned of an aggressive movement against the Congress government in Himachal Pradesh if they withdraw the welfare-oriented decisions of the previous Jairam Thakur government in the hill-state. India News | Himachal Pradesh: BJP Warns Congress Against Rollback of pro-people Decisions.
Where women voters outnumber men in every election in Himachal Pradesh, the state ruling BJP has come out with the 'Stree Sankalp Patra' that would further strengthen the objectives of women empowerment and women-led development, Chief Minister .