downtown taipei where they received group of students from universities high schools and even primary schools they are now holding a press conference right here right behind me and also some the students they are 10 and for to support in this press conference during school time today and they read out to you why may change that relations which is to address the climate change problems around the bow and they want to ask the politicians especially the presidential election candidates to express this hope and that is to put this issue and put it to them let s watch and phones that is to occur the greenhouse gases and also to control the henshaw rise to the gulf in the 15 parish climate humans so that if they go and this is the 1st activities to take off to one week long movement in taiwan so there will be a serious all protests and also street talks to address the climate change problems
all in the coming few days. while the initiator of the fridays for future strikes critter turn burgas to spearhead a rally later today in new york last month she traveled to the u.s. to be on hand for next week s climate summit at the un it was her appeals that have mobilized so many young people. why do we live just that why do we want. scientists and veyron mental organizations and politicians have been trying for years to make the climate a matter of urgency in vain. 16 year old clinton has done it to him bird braved the open sea on a 2 week voyage aboard a yacht from europe to the u.s. to bring her message to the american president a self-proclaimed climate skeptic in person the media follow the trip closely. the climate and ecological crisis is a global crisis and the biggest crisis humanity is to face and if we don t manage to work together to cooperate and to to work together despite our differences then
we will fail so we need to. to stand together and support each other. and to take action it all started about a year ago every friday connected to a protest in front of a swedish parliament and in so doing spark the fridays for future movement just a few months later the schoolgirl mobilized millions of people for the climate suddenly young people all over the world took to the streets like here in india. and mexico. or in australia. or in europe. after her arrival in new york at the end of august to him back made it clear at a meeting with un general assembly president maria espinosa the she hoped the upcoming climate gathering would lead to concrete action you are coming. to be some
one noticed was that the flames were burning even more fiercely in africa will find out why. i m brian thomas great to have you with us millions of people around the world today are gathering for climate strikes they want their governments to take more action on climate protection ahead of a key u.n. summit that s coming up next week now australia hosting some of today s 1st mass rallies with similar protests expected to unfold across some $150.00 countries in the hours ahead the demonstrations are being held with activist aggressive turn bergs friday for future movement which invites young people stage school strikes where the climate. on the front lines of climate change you know it s already
happening it s not waiting for it to happen or you know a matter of. 30 years and you know people don t want to leave family they don t want to marry and they shouldn t have to well i say in school i m learning about the effects of climate change and i m learning that we need to do something yeah i m seeing that people in charge and the people who are running our country and doing anything to me this is confusing so i m here today to step up and say no. to day we ll be checking in with our correspondents reporting from the climate protests all around the world let s go 1st to the philippines capital to manila where did abuse and santos is standing by for us anna good day to you can you tell us what s happening where you are. i m here at the university of the philippines where students have gathered classes to join this protest for climate justice they are joined by members of digitas communities who have been displaced from their homes because of severe weather conditions and other env