brought virtually to the front door is. almost too good to be true but 1st mass is celebrated to the franciscans healing and eventually zation the 2 sides of the same coin. i would say that the hospital ship papa francisco is a church on the move. together with the volunteers and missionaries that god sends us we set out to bring healing for the body but also for the soul. power to. your brother show well is chief coordinator of the hospital ship he invites people of all faiths to attend the mass as well as to receive medical treatment. the priest is a member of a fraternity called the franciscan friars of assisi in the providence of god which
dawn in santa antonio a small community of rivets well as in brazil. as soon as they heard the hospital ship was on its way people from the surrounding villages started gathering here. the assembly hall has been crowded since early morning free medical treatment brought virtually to the front door is. almost too good to be true but 1st mass is celebrated to the franciscans healing and eventually zation are 2 sides of the same coin. or market. i would say that the hospital ship papa francisco is a church on the move. together with the volunteers and missionaries that god sends us we set out to bring healing for the body but also for the soul.
to. dawn in santo antonio a small community of rivet well as in brazil s pariah state as soon as i heard the hospital ship was on its way people from the surrounding villages started gathering here. the assembly hall has been crowded since early morning free medical treatment brought virtually to the front door is. almost too good to be true but 1st mass is celebrated for the franciscans healing and eventually zation are 2 sides of the same coin. or market. i would say that the hospital ship papa francisco is a church on the move. together with the volunteers and missionaries that god sends
the assembly hall has been crowded since early morning free medical treatment brought virtually to the front door is. almost too good to be true but 1st mass is celebrated to the franciscans healing and eventually station the 2 sides of the same coin. or market. i would say that the hospital ship papa francisco is a church on the move. all together with the volunteers and missionaries that god sends us we set out to bring healing for the body but also for the soul might. want to thank. you brother joel is chief coordinator of the hospital ship he invites people of all
one noticed was that the flames were burning even more fiercely in africa will find out why. i m brian thomas great to have you with us millions of people around the world today are gathering for climate strikes they want their governments to take more action on climate protection ahead of a key u.n. summit that s coming up next week now australia hosting some of today s 1st mass rallies with similar protests expected to unfold across some $150.00 countries in the hours ahead the demonstrations are being held with activist aggressive turn bergs friday for future movement which invites young people stage school strikes where the climate. on the front lines of climate change you know it s already