The elevated corridor at Ratu Road in Ranchi will have the glimpse of Jharkhand arts and culture, state rich flora and fauna. For this, preparation is being done on a large scale by NHAI and KCC Buildcon. In this regard, work has also started on the instructions of Ranchi MP Sanjay Seth. Efforts
Ratu Road Elevated Corridor Vehicles do not run on the roads of the capital, they crawl. The people sitting in the vehicles getting stuck in the jam and | BLiTZ
Ranchi: The work of Ratu Road elevated corridor is progressing rapidly. A total of 101 piers are to be constructed in the elevated corridor. Out of this, | BLiTZ
Ratu Road Flyover The people of the capital Ranchi are going to get the gift of three flyovers very soon. of Kantatoli, Sirmatoli and Ratu Road flyovers. | BLiTZ