Water supply from the Rukka plant was disrupted on Wednesday, causing inconvenience to over 80% of the population. Leakage in various pipelines from the Rukka plant to the Booti reservoir in the Rukka division was repaired, affecting multiple areas. Executive engineer Chandrashekhar mentioned the necessity of repairs due to leakage in the pipes. Additionally, there will be a water shutdown at Hatia dam affecting areas like Dhurwa, HEC, Birsa Chowk, and more. Grievances have been expressed about the disrupted water supply persisting for the past six months.
Ranchi: During the ongoing month of Ramadan ul Mubarak, the city is bustling with a wide variety of dates from Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Mecc.
Ratu Road Elevated Corridor Vehicles do not run on the roads of the capital, they crawl. The people sitting in the vehicles getting stuck in the jam and | BLiTZ