staff reporterraipur, all india congress committee (aicc) general secretary priyanka gandhi, addressing an election rally in the grounds of sub tehsil jalbandha in khairagarh, announced a series of promises and subsidies, if t
staff reporter durg, union home minister amit shah will be on durg visit on june 22,2023 i.e. on thursday. during the visit, he will stay in durg chhattisgarh for about two-and-half hours. after leaving delhi, shah will reach
With drone flying regulations relaxed and authorities in the mood to promote the country as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle manufacturing hub, are civilian drone injuries our new nightmare?
Two spectators were injured after a drone, which was part of the tableau of the Madhya Pradesh agriculture department, fell on them in the Republic Day function held at a stadium in Jabalpur on Wednesday, police said.