One arrested UG cadre revealed he was involved in extortion of a huge amount of money from general public, private firms and government offices for raising funds for the outfit.
NPP has selected 12-13 candidates for publication in their second list of candidates. The second list will include around 20 candidates, Joykumar said.
NPP has selected 12-13 candidates for publication in their second list of candidates. The second list will include around 20 candidates, Joykumar said.
aforementioned kaitlyn berg and anita could ykumar, white house correspondent and editor for politico. kaitlyn, just an aside here, that quote didn t read right. is it are reading or is there something i m missing. why does he feel convicted? the quote is correct. he did say, i feel convicted. what he meant is he feels a strong pull to do this, to find out in the next 30 days whether or not what he s selling in this political season, to use a phrase he likes to use down here, whether or not voters are interested in buying what he s selling, whether that s in the form of a 2020 presidential primary to president donald trump, or whether that s pushing forward with the think tank or some sort of advocacy group to really push this debate surrounding debt spending, the deficit and government spending.