as we speak, voters in seven states are heading to the polls in some critical primary races. the results, expected to give us some important clues about which party could control the house and more specifically, which wing could control congress. but what s driving voters to the polls? what is their motivating? a new survey shows americans frankly are fed up with politics right now. two-thirds of democrats and republicans think most candidates are thinking of themselves, not their constituents. one issue affecting everyone is skyrocketing gas prices. a gallon of regular gas is now more than $5 in states plus d.c. and some americans can t afford to fill the tank anymore. gas prices are killing us. i m trying to get a second job. i m trying not to follow all the politic, but i m starting to because of everything. we know a police officer will testify before the january 6th committee in its first prime time hearing. two sources telling nbc news that caroline edwards will t
CUPERTINO (dpa-AFX) - Masimo (MASI) said that a United States Administrative Law Judge in Washington, D.C. ruled that Apple Inc. (AAPL) violated U.S. trade laws, by importing and selling within