On Friday, the daily rise in coronavirus infections was recorded above one lakh after 214 days, taking India s total tally of COVID-19 cases to 3,52,26,386 which includes 3,007 cases of Omicron reported across 27 states and UTs, according to the Union Health Ministry data.
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Govt issues guidelines on COVID management in rural, peri-urban areas
As rural areas see a rise in COVID-19 cases, the Centre on Sunday issued new guidelines for containment of the virus advising that peri-urban and rural areas plan a minimum 30-bedded COVID Care Centre for asymptomatic cases with comorbidities or mild cases where home isolation is not feasible. Provision of Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits should be made at all public health facilities including Sub-centres or Health and Wellness Centres and Primary Health Centres, the Union Health Ministry said.
Noting that besides urban areas reporting a large number of cases, a gradual ingress is now being seen in peri-urban, rural and tribal areas as well, the ministry released the SOP on COVID-19 Containment and Management in Peri-urban, Rural & Tribal areas  to enable communities to strengthen primary level healthcare infrastructure at all levels to intensify COVID-19 response.