While responding to a question by Samajwadi Party’s Sukhram Singh Yadav, the minister said that as many as 9,140 people ended their lives due to unemployment.
The Omicron tally has crossed the 1000-mark in India with the highest number of cases in Maharashtra. The country has also logged over 16,000 fresh covid cases.
districts do have these types of weapons, but most keep them locked in patrol cars, fontana s have been locked in lockers on campus, and they cost $14,000, thats below the threshold the school board demands to give approval for the payment, but a school board member said had she been notified she would have voted no. listen to her. if a person who had the intention of coming to kill know we have the er-16, they might come with something even bigger or better they will come prepared. reporter: but both the mayor and the superintendent of fontana schools, which by the way is in san bernardino county outside of l.a. county, say that these assault weapons are the best way it protect their campuses. 40,000 students and they think this is the way to do it. megyn: trace, thanks. new question whether there is a gap between what america wants from washington and what the president is planning for his second term.