". The first contract also went full scale this year only. We have contracts which will give revenue of USD 24 million in 2024 and USD 40 million in 2025," Biocube Founder and CEO Subodh Narain Agrawal told PTI.
This week USJE hosted a visit of more than 25 children through the EduSpace4school organization. EduSpace4school is an association of citizens, a non-profit organization, whose program. | May 30, 2023
Artists from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, and Hungary coming to Osijek for an urban culture festival and Oscans graffiti jam on.
For more than a decade, Cementarnica USJE has been part of the global initiative "Earth Hour". On March 25, 2023, from 20:30 to 21:30, USJE disconnected the cement mills from. | March 27, 2023