New Delhi: Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute organized the virtual convocation ceremony on Sunday, May 2, 2021. The day also marks the beginning of the yearlong birth centenary celebration of the film maestro Sh. Satyajit Ray. “This day is v
Eight Kerala films in IFFI Indian panorma
The festival will be held in Goa from January 16 to 24
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The festival will be held in Goa from January 16 to 24
THIRUVANANANTHAPURAM Eight films from Kerala, including two in the non-feature category, have been chosen for the Indian panorama section at the 51st edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) to be held in Goa in January next year. The four Malayalam feature films to be selected are
Namo. The non-feature films are
Oru Paathira Swapnam Pole and
100 years of Chrysostom - A biographical film, which has been made in English.