As part of the new Orem City Hall being built on the northeast corner of State Street and Center Street, a new Freedom Plaza will be built connecting the municipal building to the library. The plaza will contain a Gold Star monument honoring families of fallen service members, a “freedom tree” surrounded by poppies and […]
Stacy Leone (left), Zoey Welsh (middle) and Julie Clegg hold signs in support of banning gas chambers in Utah animal shelters. Activists protested at Orem City Hall on Tuesday, June 15 and then made statements at the Orem City Council meeting. (Emma Gadeski)
Utah animal rights advocates protested animal shelter gas chamber use on June 15 at Orem City Hall and presented a 50-foot-long petition to city council members.
Protestors stood at the corner of
East Center Street and South State Street
bearing signs that read, “Our Pets Deserve Better Than a Cruel Gas Chamber Death” and “Orem: Ban Gas Chamber Killing at Animal Shelter.”